I just aint yo normal run of the mill Nanna.......nope!!! I might - TopicsExpress


I just aint yo normal run of the mill Nanna.......nope!!! I might be gettin old, but Im still bold.....filled with HOLY boldness, and runnin over the brim with praises for my LORD!!! HEs been good to me.....over the years, satan has attacked me and mine with a vengeance......no doubt he wanted me OUT of business, OUT of sight, OUT of mind.......and OUT of this ol world!!! But my FATHER had OTHER plans for me!! HE indeed allowed me to be tested and tried.........and held my hand the WHOLE, ENTIRE time.......let me LEAN on HIM, lest I get trampled when I got knocked down, then HE brushed me off, stood me back up, and threw me back into the fight!!! Am I mad at him because of it.....NO I CERTAINLY AM NOT!! I appreciate EVERYTHING that HE helped me through......Else Id be a skeerdy cat, afraid of everything and everybody......and still runnin from the devil!!! I aint askeered of NOTHIN!!! Cause HE told me NOT TO BE AFRAID, cause HE was with me ALWAYS.....even through the valley of the shadow of death.......so there ya go!!! IF Im gonna live whole heartedly for HIM, Ive got to believe that HIS WORD is TRUTH!!!! HE told me to put on that whole armor of GOD, and get out there and STAND!!! So thats EXACTLY what I intend to continue to do!!!! Thats it!!! I am NOT ashamed of what I stand for, and I REFUSE to cower down.....aint agonna do it!!! Coward in the service, he will find NO PLACE!!!! Mens titles, wealth, names, and what they may own dont phase me one bit.....dont impress me, and I dont care about worldly junk! Im gonna do the best I can and thats because that is who HE made me to be!!!! Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego REFUSED to bow down to any ol king.....other than the KING OF KINGS.......and JESUS, HIMSELF came to walk around in the fire with them.....ALL BECAUSE OF THEIR FAITHFULNESS!! Im gonna REMAIN FAITHFUL TO HIM!!! The WORD says not to fear what man can do to you......but to fear GOD, who has the power to send your everlasting soul to and eternal hell!!!! My time on earth is SHORT, when compared to eternity!!! GODs ALWAYS gonna take care of HIS children, according to HIS riches in GLORY!!! I dont depend on the world to look out for my interests.......I KNOW, and YOU KNOW too, if youd be honest!!! The world and those good ol boys would as soon feed you to the dogs, as look at you!!!! GOD dont depend on earthly riches, HE owns the world and all that is in it!!!!! HE dont need any help from anyone!!!! So yall can put your faith in the world and those who live for it IF you want to......BUT AS FOR ME AND MY HOUSE, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD......and my faith is in HIM ALONE!!! Just in case there were any questions about where I may stand!!!! I stand for HIM!!! Everything and everyone else, well......they come behind GOD.......And HE puts all my priorities in the order in which they fit!!! Now Im gonna get ready for bed, cause Im tired, and need some REST!!! But maybe thatll give somebody some food for thought!!! I know it helped me immensely!!! Now Im justa grinnin!!! (as usual) :) Night, say your prayers, and I do STILL love EVERYbody!!!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 00:57:15 +0000

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