I just attended this awesome online event for free! ...8-figure - TopicsExpress


I just attended this awesome online event for free! ...8-figure earner Mark Hoverson shared the secrets on why the rich are getting richer in 2014 and how we can position ourselves to do the exact same thing the rich are doing right now! FREE LIVE REPLAY! - In this replay 8-Figure Earner Mark Hoverson shares with you, "Why The Rich Are Getting Richer And How You Can Position Yourself To Get Rich In 2014!" Get ready to shift. Watch The Replay Here: [Limited Time] https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilngotomeeting/iln5371 Here is what some of the people who attended this event had to say about what Mark shared... Chris Wills Today it Solidified my knowledge that being The Middle class Model, Clocking in, And Only making money when you're there, is not the way to make it in this life.. Because well, $20 an hour, is only bad, if you have to be there to make it! when it becomes 24/7 and stays residual, you will be free! that's what i took away about an hour ago · Like · 6 Jeremy BigChips Neal BAM about an hour ago · Like · 7 Majd Zaatry TRADING TIME FOR MONEY ! DEFINITELY ! According to Rich Dad Poor Dad , it's the rich who get to play hard and go golfing and do the fun stuff ! , no wonder ! I have a daily job for now and I'm getting underpaid , I ain't waiting for a raise or any crap ! I wanna have a great time doing something I enjoy while having tons of freedom ! about an hour ago · Edited · Like · 9 Berlin Vilfort KABAM!!!1 about an hour ago · Like · 6 Troy Scott Understanding the power of CREATION about an hour ago · Like · 7 Joanne Mayhead Ditto - definitely time traded for money! about an hour ago · Like · 8 Aj Martirano Stop trading your time for a dollar price as its a plan for failure about an hour ago · Like · 7 Rob Shepherd How to break away from the middle class lifestyle! about an hour ago · Like · 9 Vidal Cisneros Jr. leveraging human energy.. about an hour ago · Like · 9 George Bartels Loved the owning real estate about an hour ago · Like · 8 Tony Beach Boooom! Better way to freedom! the dissatisfaction of time/service exchange for income(working 60-70 hrs per week and only making 52k/yr) and the real hunger and desire and better way to freedom is the way to go! I would love time freedom to enjoy life and spend time with my grand kids which I never get to do now working the way I do! about an hour ago · Edited · Like · 7 Keith Claridge Income isn't related to time. Leverage other peoples products, services and systems. about an hour ago · Like · 10 Colin Fox "It doesn't just change your life, it makes your life", great quote, cheers Mark! Enjoy your skiing man. about an hour ago · Like · 10 Lisa Condon That I am worth more than 30k a year that I do not need to be stuck in a rat race and I am worth more... about an hour ago · Like · 10 Angie Hebbard Hernandez It was an interesting concept that you consider creating wealth as a HEALTH DISCIPLINE. I love that..... about an hour ago · Like · 11 Jon Carruth Don't bring the world your problems, Bring them youe Talents and Energy!!! about an hour ago · Like · 9 Berlin Vilfort The Universe does not respond to your needs and wants and desire...But LABOR... SHIKES!!! about an hour ago · Like · 5 Nilka Gordon IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT THAT YOU'RE POOR/MIDDLE CLASS! CREATE WEALTH AS A HEALTH DISCIPLINE! 19 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 9 Jeremy BigChips Neal GET OUT OF THE BOX! lol about an hour ago · Like · 10 Greg Paller I need to change my personal and business thinking! about an hour ago · Like · 8 Paige Bliss #1 Understanding "Model" differences. I remember the exact day I chose to say "I'm Outtah Heah!" It was time for Me to decide what my family deserved. How much I VALUE MY TIME Will Show My Children How To Value Their Own! about an hour ago · Like · 13 Brian Garcia Trading your time/service for money is making yourself a commodity and keeps you stuck about an hour ago · Like · 10 Melanie Robinson Marshall We can't settle on what businesses think we are worth. We can set our own time, money and freedom! about an hour ago · Like · 10 Andrea Simpson-Lindsay The universe responds to your labour, not your wants and desires!! WHAAATTT??!! So dope! about an hour ago · Like · 9 Sarah Cole To make having a healthy bank account a health discipline because I will feel less anxious and happier!!! To stop getting paid for my time and start leveraging human energy!!!! about an hour ago · Edited · Like · 11 Reko Holland The difference is really time leverage and recurring income which provides more resources. about an hour ago · Like · 7 Joan Harrington The biggest take away from todays webby was that the Freedom model is where we are all supposed to be.....leveraging human energy and trading time for money.....the middle class model is outdated and we have the skills and the knowledge to tap into this through ILN about an hour ago · Like · 12 Wendy English Distinction: It is Me Versus My Potential It is Not Me Versus... starving children, other peoples needs/wants, etc. about an hour ago · Like · 13 Jakub Jozefowski That Middle Class is a Model and we can change that about an hour ago · Like · 10 Melanie Robinson Marshall The universe or people do not care about your struggles or desires, only about your skills and strategies! about an hour ago · Like · 12 Carla Crapo Giesbrecht yeah, you're way of explaining these things are so clear, it makes one feel silly they hadn't thought about some of this earlier in life! lol...not mentioning any names, of course. about an hour ago · Like · 8 Greg Paller Today's webinar was inspirational and motivating for me! I need to start talking to all my friends about this! about an hour ago · Like · 12 Stephen Valentin I love the insight that the freedom model is a HEALTH Discipline. Wealth creates more energy, creativity, and giving of my time and money which returns to me better overall health. about an hour ago · Like · 15 Crystal Presence Each time I hear you talk, the way you share your experience takes the information straight in even if I already know the information and concepts. I learned today that it is important just to grab that camera and share what is on your mind from the core of your being. about an hour ago · Like · 5 Idil Osman The whole 180 degree paradigm shift from the middle class model to the FREE model ( plus I loved how you were insisting on the freedom aspect of the internet lifestyle!!). Funny thing is I have heard these insights before but never in a such a REAL, AUTHENTIC and therefore powerful way. The harvesting of human energies thing was powerful too. Very straightforward and valuable webinar, thank you 47 minutes ago · Edited · Like · 5 Rhonda Hicks Powerful - Distinction #1 is the Commodified Self and the solution to exit the middle class model. This teaching/training today was a revelation that will open doors to this community. Thanks so much. about an hour ago · Like · 6 Paul Yarrau The middle class model is the trade of your time and service for income.....set income.........Never before have i seen it so clear! In this model, if you need more money , you have to trade more time...... Freedom model..... Harvesting Human Energy in way way that everyone benefits....., so your work benefits me and mine benefits you as well....How Dope is that? about an hour ago · Like · 7 Tomo Mayocchi freedom & health are more than income. about an hour ago · Like · 6 DrAjay Komandur Universe responds to strategies, skills, consistencies and fruits of labour. about an hour ago · Like · 5 Sandi Edmundson Renteria Time is FREE but its Priceless! about an hour ago · Like · 6 Lene Ree I learned that using a time frame creates barriers and limits your success. I learned that if you focus on what others are doing to succeed you will fall short of your own glory. I also learned that skills and strategies will help set one free. I learned quiet a lot and now I'm motivated much more. about an hour ago · Like · 3 Jule Beloved the REAL energy revolution! Harvesting the the heat of the sun HUMAN RESOURCES!! Love it** Thank You Mark Hoverson** about an hour ago · Like · 5 Greg Paller I now realize that I was always in the middle class, no matter how wealthy I thought I was! about an hour ago · Like · 6 Jonas Bjørn Løper One of the things end is that you should not put restrictions are, just as with the rich and the poor father, I teach my children that they can be all that they sit down and they will. it means that some of it be in the upbringing of our children. So remember to give them opportunities, and show them what you've done that you are where you are today. about an hour ago · Like · 4 Beth Gross The visual picture of Middle Class taking on more jobs to decrease debt and increase cash flow hit me head on, since that is exactly what I did yesterday. Developing my skills and talents to impact my world will make quantum changes in not only my life but everyone else's lives who chooses to do the same. Awesomeness in the making!!! Thanks, Mark and Vincent. about an hour ago · Like · 5 Amy Neely That either model is a career CHOICE. So its a totally different path or pattern of buildin.g so that's why it takes a different mindset and that is why people comfortable with the middle class model of exchanging time for money do not understand or like the idea of doing it a different way. about an hour ago · Like · 6 Rob Shepherd 2014 it is time to break away from the middle class lifestyle. Watch The Replay Here: [Limited Time] https://hoverson.infusionsoft/go/ilngotomeeting/iln5371 .
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 12:50:03 +0000

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