I just finished my first 5k of the season in 37 minutes. Not only - TopicsExpress


I just finished my first 5k of the season in 37 minutes. Not only is that my best PR (so far ;) ), I hv run 2x in 13 months, the longest was 1.6 miles last Monday. Why is any of that important? I started my journey April of 2011. Along the way I have had several hiatuses for every reason under the sun - job, life, lazy, family, angry at lack of progress. I kept GOING. I learned thru this fight for my dream of being fit and capable to do ALL the things I want to do, that I just have to keep going. Today I had a chat with a dear friend and told her some of the things that personally have been challenging me. My blogs on here ate meant to inspire you so that you know I work thru my challenges just like you do. I am now being treated for thyroid and pituitary issues that have caused memory and concentration issues (perfect since I already have had 5 head injuries with memory loss and ADD! ). I have had a lot on my personal and professional plate. Running was my therapy to deal with stress. It gives me clarity and focus. It shows me mental and physical endurance and that carries over to my life. I NEEDED this today. I NEEDED to know I can still get to my goals despite ANY setback. My final body shape, weight and muscle tone are yet to be determined because I have never been fit. I cant put limitations and guidelines down for expectations because I have learned its not mentally healthy. I am NOT a quitter and neither are you....if you CHOOSE not to be. Dont use life as an excuse to stop the regularity and intensity. You must keep moving forward. You MUST look at movement/fitness as important as food, water, sleep, and air. Remember one week of inactivity can take a month to build back up. Now to go work on the gym so anyone who wants to be part of all the phenomenal things we are doing/bringing to Oskaloosa can be part of it. I hope yall get out and do some fun, healthy activities this weekend. Have a great one!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:08:16 +0000

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