I just finished reading the book I was talking about earlier this - TopicsExpress


I just finished reading the book I was talking about earlier this week The forty rules of love by Elif Shafak. Its a beautiful novel, however there are some pages, which I didnt like. But then I realised, that was my lack of understanding and compassion towards other individuals and knowing that everyone has a divine right to live their life in their own unique manner. My main dislike was at the authors modern writing at some pages. However, its not her writing which was wrong, but my eyes that judged her views of right n wrong. Moreover, seeing wrong in others is a sign of dirt on my own glasses. And the reason why I disliked it, was only because it felt culturally/islamically wrong and thats when I realised that it wasnt even her writing, but my own fears! Thinking what if people find out I read this and think I agree with it? As if reading those words would damage the so called label I am conveying to the world. Its for the same reason that people avoid speaking to those who have different values etc., scared that society might judge them or their status will be ruined. Scared they wont be taken serious any more. Upon judging others, we should know that the fault lies within ourselves, as its our imperfections that result in a blurry vision that perceives faults in those around us. The whole universe is contained with a single human being - you. Everything that you see around, including the things you might not be fond of and even the people you despise or abhor, is present within you in varying degrees. Therefore, do not look for Sheitan (the devil) outside yourself either. The devil is not an extraordinary force that attacks you from without. It is an ordinary voice within (ego). If you get to know yourself fully, facing with honesty and hardness both your dark and bright sides, you will arrive at the supreme form of consciousness. When a person knows him or herself, he or she knows God. (p. 112)
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 08:13:02 +0000

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