I just finished reading the interesting letter of Indian Amercian - TopicsExpress


I just finished reading the interesting letter of Indian Amercian who spoke out again Palestine People. Please read this: Indian Amercians Warning to Palestine People: 1) Stop firing 4000+ qassams or any rocket into Israel every year. 2) Stop strapping explosives on children and sending them in to be suicide bombers. 3) Stop kidnapping and murdering teenagers. 4 Stop forcing ordinary Palestinians to be human shields for your bombs. 5) Formally recognize Israel, and formally retract your calls for its destruction. 6) Stop teaching mindless hate to your children. 7) Come to terms that Israel is there, and isnt going anywhere. Once you do those things, you have chance at peace. Otherwise you are just playing for time for your next attack, and the worlds patience is at an end for you. And before you complain about the blockade from Israel, why dont you complain about the blockade from your allies Egypt... It is because Egypt KNOWS you arent rational, and they dont want you. None of the Arab states want you. It is up to YOU to change your behavior. I am Creek Indian. My family fought against the Europeans for hundreds of years and it was a losing fight. After the Civil War, the federal government of the US decided to rout out the last of the resistance, and my ancestors were faced with choices: 1) Death. The reality was that the Indian nations in no way had anything like the military might to defeat the US. AT BEST they could have continued to fight a guerrilla war, keeping themselves in grinding poverty and throwing away their lives and futures and those of their children. 2) Being moved to reservations. 3) Assimilate into the new nation as citizens. Thank GOD my ancestors were wise enough to choose wisely, and we became US citizens. As my Grandfather told me when I was starting to learn about our history, You have a choice. You can choose to live in the past, in bitterness and anger, or you can choose to excel in the world as it exists today. If you live in the past, you are only hurting yourself. The people living today bear no guilt for what happened generations before. They were born into todays world the same way you were. Hating them would be unjust, and only hurts you. Choose instead to excel in todays world as best you can. And frankly the US is far superior to the world of my ancestors in myriad ways (I am not excusing what went before, simply recognizing the reality). The lifespan of a Creek used to be less than 36 years. Infant mortality was 9 in 10. We were semi-nomadic hunter-gatherers. Starvation was common & part of life. The noble savage is a PC myth. An invention of propaganda. I wouldnt want to live that way and would fight anyone trying to force me to do so. As a result, our family has prospered beyond the wildest dreams of my ancestors. My Grandparents lived into their 80s and 90s with one exception, and he was killed in an accident. My parents are in their 80s now. Active and healthy. Of the six children they had, all are living, and all have masters or doctorate level educations and are financially successful. Of the 22 grandchildren, all are living, and all those who are old enough are in college on academic scholarships. I am proud to be a US citizen. An American. The point is this: Palestinians. You have the same choice. Israel is a reality. Your decades long efforts to destroy it have been miserable failures and have only really served to show how laughably one-sided that conflict is. At one time, decades ago, I had some sympathy for you. No longer. I grew up watching the efforts to help you. Youve stupidly spit in the face of those efforts every time. You pick a fight, then go whining to the press when you start getting your behind kicked. Over and over. It is pathetic. And who are you really hurting? Israel is doing just fine, thank you very much. Israel has real universities, real industry. Israel contributes to the advancement of science and technology. Israel is a Republic where anyone who is a citizen has a vote. Women arent forced to live in mobile tents, and arent killed for trying to get an education. If I had to choose today which culture I want there, then I am going to choose them 10 times out of 10. So you can continue living in your past, which is about as accurate as the noble savage myths the PC crowd tried to sell me as a child, or you can grow up & show you ACTUALLY care about your children & quit committing mass suicide. I dont doubt that MOST Palestinians would rather live in a 1st world country with clean water, good sewer systems, plentiful food, easily achievable education. So really, this appeal is to you. The radicals in your midst are screwing you. They have been screwing you for 40+ years, and they are never going to stop. Choose civilization. Choose a future for your children. What does that mean? If you are in Israel, thank your lucky stars, and start benefiting from living in a first world country rather than trying to return it to the stone age. If you are not in Israel, but you can see people who are firing rockets into Israel, take them out. Report their locations. Band together with neighbors who dont want to be bombed or shelled, and kill the people responsible for drawing the fire to your neighborhood. Because lets be real. This is all over but the dying. Israel is there, and it is there to stay. If you keep attacking them, then the most likely outcome will be the genocide you seem so hell-bent on asking for. Only it wont be genocide, it will be mass suicide. Quit being 1d1ots and actually prove you care about your children.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 19:23:01 +0000

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