I just finished watching the Silver Linings Playbook, and it - TopicsExpress


I just finished watching the Silver Linings Playbook, and it struck a nerve with me. Bradley Cooper did an excellent job of playing a bipolar male. I know because my brother is bipolar. Growing up with my brother, I didnt realize that his odd little ticks and eccentric personality were a part of his disease, along with the fits of outrage over small, insignificant matters. It was hard for me to watch the fight scene and meltdowns in this movie because I lived through those with my brother and my mother. Just like Bradley Coopers character, my brother also refused to take his meds. The Look at my eyes. See how clear they are? and Be positive. Gotta be positive. Im doing so much better now. Are familiar lines as Ive heard my brother say them a million times. Hes bipolar, yet thinks he is the most sound, responsible and logical human on the face of the planet. I just . . . I never realized how much of this was his sickness. When you grow up with someone like this, you just kind of accept it. You think its normal. But its not normal. I just saw so much of my brother in that movie and it made me very sad. Im actually kind of emotional right now. Bipolarism seems to effect men a little differently than it does with women. Both my sis and my mom are bipolar too. They have their fits and outrages but its different. I dont know how to explain it. I have no idea where my brother is or how he is. I havent spoken to him in three years, thanks to a couple of his bipolar episodes. He became furious with me because I told him he was immature when he was a teenager. 7 months later, he wanted to come to a party I was throwing and I told him he owed me an apology first. Instead of an apology, I got a lecture on how Im too proud and I should be apologizing to him, and on top of that, he told vicious lies about me on facebook. My sister (also bipolar) was upset with me at the time, fed into his lies, and jumped on the opportunity to talk shit about me. Im not sure how much of their behavior you blame on their disease and how much you blame on them. Its a blurry line, but disease or not, I didnt deserve to be treated that way. Anyhow, I hope my brother - where ever he is - will one day go on his meds, and gets the help he needs. I hope my sis will one day do the same. I hope that they stop hiding behind a front and stop telling everyone that theyre fine. Theyre not fine. And thats actually okay. Its only in acknowledging your problems that you can begin to correct them.
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 20:04:02 +0000

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