I just finished writing a longish piece which will go up tomorrow. - TopicsExpress


I just finished writing a longish piece which will go up tomorrow. In it I mentioned how Western politicians are being made to tell such humungous lies theyre looking ridiculous! Obamas breaking new ground almost every day. No wonder hes looking like a lost fart in a gasbag! Go back 6 years to his brilliant yes we can speech, only to see him now! My word. A pale shadow of his former self. Can you believe this crap the Zionists have made him say? THE CORE VALUES AMERICA HAS ALWAYS BELIEVED IN now get this - PRIVACY, RULE OF LAW, INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS! Well upon my soul! He couldnt have picked 3 bigger porkies if he tried - privacy, rule of law & individual rights have systematically gone down the pan on his watch pal! Congratulations to everyone in the audience for not clapping. Once again Obama has been made to look like a blithering idiot! I dont for minute feel sorry for the man, wholl probably take another vacation just to get over this nightmare. Obama - you should have known what you were getting yourself into. Youve known all the years you spent in the White House, you denied a far better man! RON PAUL was the peoples choice both times but the Zionists cheated so they could have a puppet like you! If you had balls youd fall on your sword & use the NDAA to lock up every dual national Zionist whove not only conspired to destroy America but have made the world an infinitely more dangerous place. Thanks to Nobe Dezcou for this clip.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 23:50:17 +0000

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