I just fought tooth and nail to get the Power Mac store in - TopicsExpress


I just fought tooth and nail to get the Power Mac store in Festival to replace my two-week old MacBook Air. It conked out ten days after I purchased it and it was on the day I was to give training. I took it to the Mac store right away asking for a replacement. But I was told that the 7-day warranty for replacement had expired. The technician instead reformatted all contents. I went home happy that all seemed well with me and my Mac. Two days later, it conks out again. Same problem--it wont reboot. This time I was bent on getting that replacement. They suggested I call the 1-800 number in Singapore if I insist on a replacement. I told the American-sounding but apparently of Filipino-extraction of an agent based in Singapore that I got a lemon of a product and will not settle for another bout of technical evaluation. It was obvious that it was a hardware problem this time and I will not want them to try reformatting again for me to run the risk of running into the same trouble again. I just dont deserve this, I said. The guy named Chris was fantastic. After consulting with his superiors, he told me I could get a replacement. He gave me a case number which becomes my passport for a replacement. All I need to do is to give the store the case number and they will call Singapore to confirm the decision. Back at the store, it was not going to be as easy as I thought. Contrary to the advice of the agent that the replacement could be made at the retail outlet, the store told me to go up the next floor to their technical team so that I can validate the problem. I was made to wait three hours. Three hours later, the lady front liner told me that technical had diagnosed the problem to be software so they did the same thing as the other person at the store did--reformat the whole darn thing. They wanted me to take home the same unit. I felt the blood rising to my head this time. You mean to tell me you will want me to take home the same unit and run the risk of returning it again for the same problem? This was a lemon of a product. I dont want to be using a supposedly brand new Mac which has proven to be defective from the beginning. I am supposed to have a brand new, functioning unit, free of defects. Your Singapore people have already agreed to this so why are you making it difficult? The lady replied: Im very sorry about that Maam. I understand your position. Me: No you are not sorry and you dont understand. You are trained to memorise those lines which dont mean anything to you. I just want a new unit, that is all I am asking. I was given a lemon of a product and dont expect me to just accept this. I paid good money for this. I expect a good product in return. Then the lady goes to the inner room for a few minutes then comes out again with some papers. They have decided to replace my Mac.
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 13:33:40 +0000

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