I just found this in my archives, I wrote this in 2009, how true - TopicsExpress


I just found this in my archives, I wrote this in 2009, how true it still is.I think Gary Aldrich will enjoy it. The Obama Who Stole Christmas November 22, 2009 at 9:58am Every true American likes Chritmas a lot... But the Obama who lived in the Whitehouse Did not!!! The Obama hated Christmas,The whole Christmas season If you asked me it was The birth of Christ was the reason. It could be his socialism was not quite right it could be perhaps, his taxs were out of sight. But Im thinking the biggest reason of all He hated capitalism and everything in the mall But, Whatever the reason, his heart not to healthy He stood there on Christmas eve hating the wealthy, Starring down from the capital with a happy grinchy grin he stared in the windows prepared to take it all and take it again He remember the middle class who had their mortgage to pay they hung out their hopes and live the American way! There saving their money, he snarled with glee Tomorrow the networks, will make them follow me. Then he growled with vetoing fingers pridefully drumming I must find a way to keep capitalism from growing! For tomorrow, he knew.... All the tax payers they could not relax whould wake up early and spend thier credit to the max And then! Oh the taxs, oh the taxs,tax,tax,tax thats the one thing he loved! The taxs,tax,tax,tax Then the citizens, young and old would go to church and theyd pray, and theyd pray, theyd pray Pray! Pray! Pray! The citizens would pray for good jobs and a stable market Which the Obama couldnt stand there and to just watch it! And then They do something he liked least of all Every tax payer in land, both tall and small would rally together and begin to raise their voice. Theyd stand their together, and they start some noise. And theyd talk! Talk! Talk! Talk! And the more the Obama thought of the American dream, The more he thought the more he take or as it seemed! well for two hundred and forty three years it seemed to work I must take away their will and even their shirt! But how? He got an ideal! An awlful ideal! The Obama got a wonderful awlful idea! I know just what to do! As he laughed in his throat Ill blame it on Bush and turn him into a joke. He chuckled and chuckled, what a great liberal trick! Hell take over companies and imprison the sick! All I need is a stooge... The Obama looked around, but right ones couldnt be found! Did that stop Obama? No,if I cant find a stooge Ill make some instead! So he called Nancy Pelosi and he called Harry Reid Thet made the heathcare bill so long that nobody would read! Then he loaded up the house And the same old senate who really cares now if America is against it? Then the Obama saidYes we can! And then unemployment went up, staggering numbers keep rising That make you go nuts! And our windows were dark, because we couldnt pay our electrical bill We slept away our fears, because we lost our job at the mill. He came to power to take away our rights on capital hill. This is just the beginning ,Obama said with a promised He then signed the bill , starting the finish. He then apollogized to the world, a rather good tour, If Bush wouldnt do it he do it even more. He got caught in his words for a moment or two But cnn didnt care to cover the truth, Where fox network news was the number one show , These conservatives, he grinned, must be the first to go! Then he slithered and slunk with a smile so cold His hand in every pocket he even took their gold Wealfare!hand outs!and medicare!food stamps! ssi!unemployment!Education!Reform! and Obamacare! He then took it from our checks, then the Obama very quietly, taxed all our things, one by one he destroyed all of society! He then slunk to our savings account, he took what what we had! He took the 401 k! he took our ira! He cleaned out our savings as quick as a flash. Why that obama even took the last of our cash! Now he imprisoned us with socialism with glee! Now the Obama smiled Ill call this a holiday tree! And Obama grabbed the tree, and begain to proclaim When he heard a voice say Christmas will will not be the same. He turned around so fast and he saw the young lad! Listening to Rush Limbaugh with a look so sad. The Obama has been exposed by his very deceit He could feel the warmth that was beginning to heat. The lad stared at Obama and said, Barack Obama, why, Why are you destroying us ? WHY ? But you know, Obama was so smart and so slick, He though a lie and he though it up quick! Why my sweet little lad,the Obama begun to said, George Bush did this to us and he left us for dead. So Im taking us out of Iraq my little friend. How could we win, a war with no end ? And his fib fooled the lad. Then said dont feel so sad And he took all his things and everything he ever had. And the lad realized he was stuck in a rut no matter how hard he tried he had no luck! Then the last thing Obama took was our freedom of speech! Then he drained off us, like a himself a leech. In classrooms he left ,cirriculums for them to teach. And the one speck of dignity, that he left behind was so small to be found that you couldnt find. Then He did the same thing To those who were on his side Shreading their dignity Much too small For for anyone to hide! It was quarter past dawn... All America still a-bed, All America, still a-snooze When he would not do what he said, Changed all his words! The promises! The economy! The market! And the free trade! The taxs! The trappings! Three thousand feet up! Up the side of Mt.Rushmore, He rode with his load of lies to dump it! Pooh-Pooh to the citizens! he was grinch-ish-ly humming. Theyre finding out now that no Christmas is coming! Theyre just waking up! I know just what theyll do! Their mouths will hang open a minute or two Then the citizens in America will all cry BOO-HOO! Thats a noise, grinned the Obama, That I simply MUST hear! So he paused. And the Obama put his hand to his ear. And he did hear a sound rising from the town. It started in low. Then it became louder in sound... But the sound wasnt sad! Why, this sound sounded merry! It couldnt be so! But it WAS merry! VERY! He stared down at America! The Obama opened his eyes! Then he shook! What he saw was a shocking surprise! Every citizen down in America, the tall and the small, Was singing! Without any freedom at all! He HADNT stopped Christmas from coming! IT CAME! Somehow or other, it came just the same! And the Obama, with his grinch-nose stuck up in the air, Stood puzzling and puzzling: How could 2012 be so near? It came without recovery! It came without jobs! It came without promises, blamming or sobs! And then he puzzled three years, till his puzzler was sore. Then the Obama thought of something he hadnt before! Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesnt come from a store. Maybe Christmas...perhaps...means a little bit more! And what happened then...? Well...the citizens they say That the Obamas decided That he take our religion away! And the minute his heart didnt feel quite so right, He would destroy the church in the bright morning light. And he took back their bibles! An I will take away their priest!! And he... ...HE HIMSELF...! The Obama worshipped the beast!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 00:08:21 +0000

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