I just got a phone call about one of our Hopkins County elementary - TopicsExpress


I just got a phone call about one of our Hopkins County elementary schools and I think it is one of the most ridiculous jacked-up things I have heard. Therefore I am going to blast you publicly Jesse Stuart because you deserve it. The school has what is called a Tattle-Tell Belt or what my era would say a.k.a. The Snitch Belt. If you tell on someone then you are forced to wear the Snitch Belt for a day to a week throughout the whole school day and everywhere you go. This is government at its finest. Lets have our school-board go out and proclaim, we are anti-bully and we gotta stop bullying in its tracks... Look at us we are looking out for your children... If you seeing bullying or if you are being bullied then you make sure you tell a teacher... tell a peer! But, then we create a system that if you do so we are going to make you wear a Snitch Belt for everyone in the whole school to know your a snitch so that you can be made fun of and picked on and targeted for more bullying. We create systems in our schools like the D.A.R.E. program and we teach children to report things... We have our local crime stoppers that asks if you have information to call in and report it and you will be kept anonymous. But yet we are teaching kids during their development years that if you tell... we are going to expose you to the world by forcing you to wear a scarlet letter. Sounds a little contradictory to me...??? Sounds to me that you are bullying the kids yourself by making them wear a belt and damaging their self esteem. Sounds to me like you are placing a target on their back to be bullied more. Sounds to me like you are preaching one thing and teaching another. I am sure you would want a child to tell you of something serious, but you must also grasp their context. When a child of that age tells you something most of the time it is minor to you and ridiculous, but to them and their level of understanding it is serious. That is why they told you about it in the first place. By punishing a child in this manner for mentioning their comprehension of something serious will engrave into them to not tell anything moving forward. Therefore when something truly serious, that you would consider important, is happening the child will not tell you about it. Guess why? Out of fear! Fear that you will force them to wear the Snitch Belt in front of the whole school. Wow, who would have thought a government agency would impose fear on people to control them? *sarcasm expressed here boldly* I have a friend whos child was forced to wear the snitch belt because he told the teacher he thought someone was hurt or was going to hurt someone else. Wow, really? What does that teach this child? Hey, next time you see someone hurt, or going to hurt someone else... you better keep your mouth shut little fella or we will expose you. I can anticipate someone from the school board or school defending their actions... Most people believe they can do no wrong and they can justify their actions to themselves and spew off a million reasons to make themselves feel right. Because we humans and especially those in any form of public leadership have a near impossibility of ever admitting something we have done to be wrong. But guess what? What you are doing is wrong period... no matter what you say. You can claim, well it is to prevent children between the ages of 6-8 from tattle telling on little johnny picking his nose or for sally sue who dropped her pencil on the floor. Guess what? Thats what 6-8 year old children do sometimes. If you dont like it... teach another grade or develop a much better method of dealing with it that is a bit more positive. I can tell you from raising children myself there are far better ways of curbing this kind of behavior without forcing a child to wear a Snitch Belt before the whole school. What you do it teach the child, (who would have thought at a school right... to teach) the difference between important issues and non-important issues that way they Learn... which is what a school is about right? I am anti-tattle-tell myself. I am of the belief of toughen up. Life is hard. Build some character. However for a school to be doing what you are doing nothing you say can justify what you are doing. You are not allowed to have an a.k.a. Snitch Belt. What you are doing is no different than setting a child in front of the school a making them wear a Dunce hat. Period. Im sure my rant here is full of typos and improper grammar and English. I wore the Dunce hat at school.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:08:01 +0000

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