I just got done reading Women of faith. This is a great story that - TopicsExpress


I just got done reading Women of faith. This is a great story that I think all parents should read. I really learned a good lesson on this one. Here is the story: This lesson is from the book of Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. One day a women asked her son to wash the dishes. Out of surprise she noticed her son get up to the challenge of washing the dishes. He didnt give any attitude when asked. He wasnt disrespectful. He didnt drag his feet. She caught herself thinking, Why am I battling the urge to harshly point out how he was doing it all wrong. To get to the point. We tend to ask our children to do things for us. And then we start to complain about the way they do the things we ask them to do. WE showed them our way, but they tend to find another way to do it. That is when we start to think. If it isnt our way its the wrong way is our motto. But the lesson I learned is to instead of pointing out the way they do it wrong we should make a mental note to explain how to do it next time in a way that will save water, money and time. We can praise their efforts, Keeping in mind of their age and abilities. We can acknowledge his unique method: I saw the clever way you stacked those dishes. You always make work fun. We can ask ourselves questions that will help keep my mama mouth in check. Questions like: Does it matter now or will it matter tomorrow? Will it affect eternity? Is God trying to teach me something? Can I pause and praise instead of interrupt and instigate? Is this really an issue that needs addressing? Am I being a control freak? Do I need to let it go? I hope that all you mamas out there did spend your time reading this long lesson. I tried to cut it short, but all that I wrote was a must read. So now all you mamas or dads we can say. What mama do you want to be? I hope a less control-freakish and more Proverbs 31 womanish. It might not come easily trust me, it usually doesnt but with the Holy Spirit, it is possible to speak with kindness. Thank you and God bless.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 02:44:29 +0000

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