I just got on Facebook and was immediately confronted with an - TopicsExpress


I just got on Facebook and was immediately confronted with an argument from earlier about food stamps. Though it upset me, I just cant engage directly anymore, it makes me too sad. Sometimes I just get so tired of the meanness of people. They are so easily cavalier about their self-righteousness. What they dont seem to understand is just how hurtful it is to those of us who have had to make use of public assistance, or know those who have (& still do), through no fault of their own, other than being down on their luck or struggling to make ends meet in a hard world. Public assistance. In other words, help for those who need it, and not until after they prove they need it. I dont understand how they let the (very) few who abuse it allow them to overlook the millions of honest, hardworking people who genuinely need it. There have been times when, without food stamps, my kids wouldnt have eaten. Not random, generic, imaginary druggie kids, but MY personal kids. Who are awesome and beautiful and who dont deserve to starve. Who some of these critics have met and claim to care for. They dont seem to understand that THAT is who they think should have their benefits cut, people like my family. I cant change the way they think, at this point Im convinced of that, but maybe I can remind the rest of you: think before you post. Think of who it could hurt and what youre really saying. And try, really try, to put yourselves into another persons place before you think you have the right to judge them. Thanks for listening. Thank goodness for people like Jodi, who, No matter how much abuse she gets for it, stands up and fights for those with less! Even when Im so tired of doing it that I want to cry. Youre awesome :)
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 04:03:36 +0000

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