I just gotta say this...Ladies!!!! Stop the foolishness for - TopicsExpress


I just gotta say this...Ladies!!!! Stop the foolishness for attention on freakin FB because your dude I cant even call him your Boyfriend or Husband because he is not and I refuse to use the term baby daddy! ughhh! But stop with the announcements on your current situation with him! Sheesh I mean some of you females still believe that having a child with a man seals your faint with him or that it means he loves you and will be with you the rest of your life...smdh so silly child! Listen I am not suppose to notice or say anything but I can not take it and find your post to be entertaining then anything else!!!! hahahaha! sorry 1.) where you messed up is that ((you)) chose to have this person and reproduce with even knowing he was not ish to begin with! And it does not matter now many years you are with a man if that is even what he is, lol but it does not matter if he treated you like crap at the very beginning he will continually treat you like crap until you stop him or leave him! 2.) you dont feel good about yourself and he maybe partly to blame for that because he too is insecure and all he knows is to knock you down rather than say a few simply words like...babe your beautiful or I love you~;) 3.) Stop thinking your doing something online that will change his ways! Announcing that mess online only means your as childish as he is and adding to his itinerary which was already set into plan when you showed how insecure you are! Now this can not be blamed on the female because your Boyfriend has just as much to blame because he too has some serious issues as well...smdh! Now I am sorry to laugh an although no relationship is prefect or marriage or what ever but I will be damn if I gotta post crap for attention because of a misunderstanding ...I say misunderstanding because unlike you and yours me and mine have had this here for a mighty long time and with age comes wisdom and with wisdom come education and with education comes a rock hard foundation and relationship that will last a life time with all things happy and beautiful! Stop letting this fool control your emotions and Stop showing your kids how to be weak for someone who cant respect you enough to simply talk it out to where you too feel secure and STOP being insecure about your physical appearance and change it! Now sorry I am not Dr Phil but hey I been around long enough, kissed many frogs to know your simply embarrassing yourself and not setting a good example for your babies! Grow up and cut it out already...lol
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:38:28 +0000

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