I just had a 6 hour operation.. When they told me think peacful - TopicsExpress


I just had a 6 hour operation.. When they told me think peacful thoughts I focused on the scriptures (Im about to cry) While asleep (being sliced to smithereens) I saw myself and others, (but not a lot of people bc I was able to see a lot of grass between us) looking forward and faces full of excitement and with a look of OMG this is really happening?!?! And then I saw it... The kingdom .... Zion where The Lord/Adonai said he will dwell forever..... Ive been working to hard to be a part of this earthly eternal place, and Im finally approaching its 12 gates. The anticipation was so great I wonder if my blood pressure raised on the table lol. Everything was so beautiful .. The air was so fresh and crisp. The blades of grass were BRIGHT green and soft. Rocks were the whitest and brightest limestone Ive ever seen... Its like they were glowing. Then I saw my aunt Marla... She was just as excited as me to finally reside there ... To hug her felt like the kingdom itself in an embrace...Perfect Peace rushed through my body to see her look me in my eyes and see her world famous smile again.... Then... In the blink of an eye I heard, Tina... You did so good sweet... Your blood pressure stayed perfect the entire 6 hours, and you are so pretty we love your lashes! (I will discuss the details of surgery at a later date... Thank u for respecting my wishes)
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 02:01:16 +0000

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