I just had a mighty moment of meditation and reflection- listening - TopicsExpress


I just had a mighty moment of meditation and reflection- listening to my niece, who I dubbed, Gifted Hands, due to her prowess and passion in the image consulting realm; shes also a talented vocalist- Destined DeAnna Woodard- on Sound Cloud. Her rendition of, Hallelujah pulsed my soul. Follow her and be inspired just as I was moments ago. People of Purpose- you may feel those who are SUPPOSED to help you are not doing so for some reason. That may or may not be the case- but dont fret too long; after the understood feelings of disappointment, sadness, anger, unbelief, whatever- move from that TEMPORARY state of FEELINGS back to a PERMANENT STATE OF BELIEVING- BELIEVING that if NO ONE who is SUPPOSED TO HELP YOU DOES- there is still GOD-who gave you the ABILITY to DREAM it in the first place.While you are marinating in, I cant believe he, she or they wont help me-especially when I helped them when they needed help, YOU ARE BLOCKING THE PATH OF THE VERY ANGELS OF ASSISTANCE BEING SENT on your behalf!!! And IF you DID help someone who does not assist you back- dont feel bad too long. For you see- you were merely being who YOU WERE GENUINELY DESIGNED TO BE!!!! And NOW- the same selfless giving you provided for others-shall be provided FOR YOU- not necessarily by those you designate-but those who GOD DESIGNATES!!!! LIFT UP YOUR HEAD AND COUNTENANCE!!!! and realize this FACT- 50-75% of the people who are going to help you FULFILL YOUR PURPOSE- YOU HAVENT EVEN MET AS OF YET!!! THAT is the BEAUTY of DESTINY and PURPOSE- while it would be ideal to receive the HELP from family, friends and loved ones- those individuals may NOT be the ones ASSIGNED to this season in your life. And whatever you do- do NOT let the actions of others STOP you from being who you are- If you were called to GIVE- GIVE. Im NOT saying let others use and misuse you- but dont allow internal bitterness eat at the core of you-as it will have internal and external consequences of deflating the essence of who you are and were destined to be. Be wise yes- but holding permanent grudges only causes you to go against the very innate nature of goodness you possess. For example- If someone you feel should assist you and does not- you develop bitter feelings towards that person-and prior to seeing them, your self dialogue becomes, Im not going to be nasty towards him, her, them, but Im not going to be my usual loving self either. WOW!!!! Do you realize you just talked yourself out of being yourself???? IVE BEEN THERE- and I REFUSED TO LIVE THERE!!!! I RENTED THOSE FEELINGS- but I COULD NOT AFFORD TO OWN THEM!!!!! And neither can you!!!!! The MANIFESTATION of your BLESSING-PURPOSE-DESTINY is NOT being with held due to SOMEONE WHO COULD HAVE HELPED YOU AND DID NOT- It is being DELAYED due to the bitterness in your heart with the person or persons who could have helped you and did not!!! If you feel life is robbing you of your dreams, goals, vision, etc- ITS PROBABLY AN INSIDE JOB!!!!! The GREATEST HELPING HAND IS AT THE END OF YOUR ARM!!! Id rather WAIT on GOD to send those who will SOW INTO ME- than to solicit the repetitious help of others to do so. YOUR DESTINY IS WAITING WITH OPEN ARMS- ALONG WITH THOSE ANGELS OF ASSIGNMENT DESIGNATED JUST FOR YOU!!!!!! #zerodoubt; #deannawoodardonsoundcloud; #getbetternotbitter; #iunderstandhowyoufeel; #ivebeentheretoo; #releaseinordertorestoreyourvision; #youreawinnernotawhiner; #thisisyourseason; #faceandembraceyourdestiny; #passionandpurposeasone;
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 01:15:18 +0000

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