I just had a young lady call me. Shes a faithful follower of my - TopicsExpress


I just had a young lady call me. Shes a faithful follower of my FB timeline. She read my 8 things yesterday. She said some things I NEEDED to hear from an impartial bystander. First she said: • she is surprised at how I have allowed ppl in my environment tear me down & I actually started to believe their rhetoric,,,,I began to sound AND act the way THEY wanted me too,,, • She came right out and said I was the biggest & probably most powerful influence in her life since the 1st day she met me @ a college fair. • She said you have touched me in phenomenal ways-and in turn I have been a blessing to me and others like me”-- u taught me how to be a blessing to others w/o expecting ANYTHING in return. You are always giving and always helping somebody,,,, • You keep people grounded in reality with your BLUNT honesty,,,,yet once you tell them the truth,,,, you help them find ways to correct, revise or complete things they would otherwise not do or give up on or just fade away. • you possess endless amounts of intelligence, compassion and love. Why did you allow those ppl at your church tear you down, CONSTANTLY JUDGE YOU, kick you and belittle you and ur talents?? Because they had NO IDEA who u truly were? Who you ARE? What you are capable of bringing into their midst?? • She went on to say ,,,,,,, People fear what they dont understand,,,like Frankenstein concept,,,,,,,because they did NOT understand & he frightened them? They set out to torture, kill & destroy him. • She said STOP saying you were playing church. You have practiced more Christ like ways and behavior ever since I gave known you then some of the most famous Pastors that I know. You have helped MORE souls then you will EVER be able to comprehend through the millions of hours youve spent mentoring/talking to/guiding, molding, inspiring, empowering and enriching the lives of THOUSANDS of kids, teens and college students. • She laughed and said yeah,,,,some of that 8 things were VERY true. But she also reminded me that I am a phenomenal presence on this earth that has helped some pretty phenomenal people. • She reminded me she has her doctorate in Health Professions because I kept pushing her,,,,always believed in her and NEVER allowed her to give up on her dreams/goals/wishes---even when she did. • She inboxed me her list of 8 that I should have posted,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, She told me my eight should include: 1). Phenomenal Mother, Sister, Aunt, Friend, Mentor 2). Accomplished, intelligent, street-wise and savvy 3). Beautiful inside and out (I said—yeah right to that one) 4). Witty & sarcastic, but caring 5). High levels of Integrity, Commitment, Loyalty and Compassion 6). My bestfriend 7). A little Insane—but everybody needs a touch of insanity to truly be sane!! 8).“I don’t think there’s ANYTHING (or anyone) on FB” that could ever truly describe you--because you are the most unique person I’ve ever met!!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 21:56:42 +0000

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