I just had an interesting exchange... Earlier today I was teaching - TopicsExpress


I just had an interesting exchange... Earlier today I was teaching one of my free training programs. And as Im doing it people are sending me comments. Most of them to answer my questions. And some to validate what Im teaching. They would say things like wow, thank you - exactly what I needed right now, or this is really great step by step content I was looking for, and thank you for sharing... But one person writes something different. (Theres always this one person, isnt there?) In fact, he writes not one, but two comments how lame my stuff is and how Im wasting his time with my fluff. Now, this isnt my first rodeo... so I naturally just ignored it. But I decided to write them a quick message afterwards. (I dont normally do this, but sometimes I just feel it would help the person to hear back from me.) Once I wrote it, I thought the message had a few valuable points that could help you - if youre a student who sometimes feels like Tony... and if you are a teacher and you need to deal with this kind of stuff from time to time. So here it goes... *** *** Is Your Stuff Full Of Fluff? Or Are They Missing The Point? *** *** Hey Tony, I wanted to quickly respond to your comment: Adam, I heard you on Doug Forestas show and you were all killer, this time its all filler. Step up please Adam. I am investing 90 minutes in you, I protected this time because you have a reputation for value. Tony, theres time for details and how-to type teaching and time for big-picture thinking. This training was the latter. Interestingly, several of my successful clients (who are generating very high six figure and seven figure incomes) gave me raving feedback when I asked them to review this presentation. Their comments to me talked about the need to change the thinking before learning the techniques. And how my stories reflected their own journey to success and illustrated the necessary shifts and steps. And that was the promise of this training. And before you hang up on me, I encourage you to ponder these questions: 1. If I deliver no valuable content, how do I create one entrepreneurial success story after another? 2. How come I continue to attract amazing clients, generate massive revenue, make a huge impact, get invited as an expert and featured on shows, in publications and books while so many other people - who flood the market with all sorts of quick how-to type info - cant even get their next client? 3. Instead of being disappointed, ask yourself this - if this approach is working for others, what am I missing here? Tony, one last thing. I totally relate to how you feel. Im a king of delivering loads of how-to content (when appropriate) and - like you - when listening to other peoples presentations I used to be massively frustrated and thought to myself I know all this stuff and 10 times more - this is bull! I would get even more frustrated when I recognized that all their filler content generated tens, even hundreds of thousands in new sales. And they were impacting 100 times more people than me! That was maddening! Then something happened for me. One of my unique abilities is to reverse engineer things and figure out what makes them work. So instead of getting frustrated, disappointed and disengaged - I doubled up my attention and studied their approach. Why do they do things certain way? Why does it work? How does it work? Does it only work on idiots? What I discovered shocked me! I learned that this approach attracted some of the most brilliant, passionate, forward-thinking customers I ever had while repelling the bottom feeders who were little more than bargain-seeking, problem-causing difficult clients. In other words - one mans fluff is another persons gold! And knowing how to recognize it makes all the difference. It changed everything for me. And it also taught me something important about how the 1% think. When they encounter something that works, they study it. Even if they dont understand it. Even if it rubs them the wrong way at first. They dont set out to be right - they set out to discover what works. Anyway, thank you investing the time in todays training. And Im sorry you totally missed the million dollar lessons. Maybe different teachers can show you how to make a more steady progress with their traditional thinking and approach. Heres to your success... Cheers! Adam *********************************************************************************** Id love to hear your comments on this. By the way, this isnt a poor me post. And its not a Tony is an idiot rant either. Its simply a lesson in gaining a different perspective. If what you are doing (and how youre doing it) works and is getting you the results you want - awesome. But if you want more, you must change your thinking first. OK. Tag - youre it! ;)
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 23:49:28 +0000

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