I just had the craziest thing happen to me!!!..Im on instagram - TopicsExpress


I just had the craziest thing happen to me!!!..Im on instagram scrolling and looking at pics and liking pics...you know the usual stuff....so all of a sudden one of my candy apple pics popped up....(the ninja turtle ones)....but they werent on my page.....someone had STOLEN my pic and was using it as their own!!!!! I really could not believe it! I mean really...who does that!!! They had water marked their company name on it & everything!! Let me say that although I was mad that someone had taken something of mine and claimed it as their own...i was still quite flattered that someone thought my work was so good that they wanted it for their own!!!...guess it was one of those bittersweet moments!!!...but needless to say I let this person know that I wasnt happy with their theivery and asked that they take MY pic down!!!...i dont know if they did or didnt because they nicely blocked me....lol! But its all good...I know its mine....they know its mine and most importantly God knows its mine!....& as the saying goes God dont like ugly!!!...aint nothing good gonna come from that kinda behavior!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 02:41:50 +0000

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