I just have to say how effective books have been in introducing - TopicsExpress


I just have to say how effective books have been in introducing concepts, in reinforcing things learned in school, and in helping my children understand their emotions, and also in fluentizing their English. Last week my son expressed that he was interested in bats- so I looked thru my inventory for a good one and BAM- we started reading about them and that was all he wanted every day over and over, to read about bats. He was so beautifully into bats that he learned so much about them and always had them on his mind. He even said to me that he was hungry for juicy mosquitoes. Thank you to the great book about bats. My daughter and son recently started talking more and more about the new baby on the way, and so I found a good one about a third baby coming to join a haphazard but loving family (just like us) and it has been on their most requested list for the last week and change. I can clearly see in their comments and behavior that the things we talked about in the story are in their consciousness and emotionally they are getting prepared for the changes to come. My daughter told me that we will not need to be as tired as the mommy in the story because she will help out and be more independent. Thank you to the very good book about the third baby. It is just so easy to pay attention to them, to hear what they are into at the moment, because they say it, scream it, act it out, and dance it. It is so much fun to find books for them with those topics because when I bring the books to them they light up and dive into the stories. If they like them, then for 2 weeks or a month that book is the ONE. Then another one comes along, but that intensive period when they got to know that book so well leaves its mark for a long time. I know I have to act fast because they are young and their interests are varied, if I miss the window of opportunity, which has been known to happen, then it may come back or it may not. I can live with that, but it is just is so amazing to see when I catch them right in the sweet spot, right at the beginning of the momentum and their knowledge and interest grows right alongside their mom and me. and of course, I, who was never the best student in school, has learned so much too. I guess my enthusiasm for the stuff they are learning is fun for them to see as well. I just wanted to share. have a good night, Jeffrey bbb
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 20:26:08 +0000

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