I just have to share the most precious story (below) about my 9th - TopicsExpress


I just have to share the most precious story (below) about my 9th grandchild, Eliana, who is 4 years old, as told by her mom (and my daughter) Trudy in an email to her husband, Steve. My heart is so warmed... Ill tell you why at the end: I have thought that Eliana already believes enough to understand the Gospel, but havent been sure if she has really confessed her sin, etc. and asked for forgiveness. Well, at lunch just now, Eliana asked me, Mom, what I need to do first to go to Heaven? I told her what she needed to believe and she said she already believed that, so I asked if she had told Jesus that she believed it yet, and she said no. So, without me prompting her, she bowed her head and told Jesus each thing - Jesus, please take away my sins. Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross for me. God, please make me in your family. She asked me, He heared me? She was so happy when I told her he did hear her and he did forgive her and make her his forever child. I explained that now she needed to live her life for Jesus and make him her leader. She immediately bowed her head again and said, Jesus, please be my leader. I told her how happy I was that she is now a Christian who has Gods Holy Spirit living in her heart. I told her how her older siblings all colored a picture on the day they decided to follow Jesus. So, right now shes coloring a picture of the cross with clouds around it in the shape of a big heart. She said she is going to fold it like a card and bring it to Heaven for Jesus. She just asked me, How you say, I love you, Jesus.? Shes writing it on the back of the picture. She asked, Is he going to like the card? I told her that he already likes it because he can see it already. She said, No, he cant see it yet because it is his card! (meaning that she didnt want the surprise to be spoiled if he saw it now). I told her that Jesus can see everything. She hid under the computer table and I said He could see her under there too...she is so fun. Shes saying, He is going to read it there (in Heaven) and Im going to hear him read it! Im not sure if she thinks shes going to make a trip to Heaven right now to give it to Him? She has been asking about God choosing the time we go to Heaven. Then, she asked about if Jesus has a birthday. I explained thats what we celebrate at Christmas. She wanted to go to Heaven to give Jesus his card on his birthday this Christmas, but then she stopped herself and said, Oh, but God is going to choose when I go to Heaven. She just ran off and is getting a piece of candy to tape to it because she thinks Jesus likes candy! :) She chose princess fruit snacks. She says Jesus and God will share the fruit snacks. Well, the fruit snacks make it hard to fold the card, so I told her to get a large envelope for it. She came back with it in the envelope and said that she wants to put it on a present for Jesus. I told her that she already gave Jesus the present - it was her heart. I told her that her whole life is her gift to Him now. She said, Ohhhh. Now shes ready to play the The Grouchy Ladybug Game with me and is telling me that shes not going to be mean anymore because of Jesus and Heaven. So, Im trying to explain how we still sin, etc....wow, shes got a LOT happening in her mind right now!!! She is such a precious girl! I love you, Trudy All of my family—children, spouses, grandchildren, dad, brother, sister—are in the fold of Gods eternal family. Meira, the 10th grandchild is not even a month old yet, but Eliana is already telling her about Jesus and His love and dying on the cross for our sins, so I know she will eventually understand and choose His love and salvation applied to her, as well. What a blessing!
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 03:48:19 +0000

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