I just loved the image that The Word Among Us gave this morning - TopicsExpress


I just loved the image that The Word Among Us gave this morning about the Gospel (Matthew 23:23-26). Many homes have a junk drawer or catch-all closet that the owners don’t really want other people to know about. When company approaches, stray papers and miscellaneous objects with no clear category are deposited into these hiding places. When these things are out of sight, the house at least appears orderly, and guests get a good impression. Unfortunately, just out of view is evidence of a persistent and perhaps growing clutter. I know that there are MANY closets and drawers like that in my life. They seem pretty good on the outside, but I promise, just like most of you, there is a whole lot of clutter going on, on the inside. So how do we clean out? How do we let go and let God? I know a good start is beginning your day with God. Not the news, not the juice or gossip on the internet, but with God. Most importantly, your Bible. Every lesson you learn, the more you will open your eyes in a situation. You might not handle it as you should at first, but you will be more aware. You will have that angel on your shoulder saying, no, no, no...it is up to you to listen :/ Another great example in the devotion today was this...there are people in my family who do this...its nice to have that sometimes, cause then you see you SURE dont want to act that way ;)... At a restaurant we may be careful to say grace before eating but think nothing of snapping at a waiter who seems less than perfectly polite. How many of you have done that...well I expect good service, Im never going there again...OH PLEASE PEOPLE...we are all human. We cannot expect perfection from ANYONE. Dont sit there saying your prayers for the world to see like the Pharisees, then act nothing short of an ass to the poor girl who is just delivering the food. GET WHAT I MEAN ??? :) Now, Im definitely not screaming perfection...my problem is the people who drive 20 in a 45 :) I find myself getting nasty and I have to say...GET THE BEHIND ME SATAN...real loud :) Its hard, not gonna lie, but until we seek first the kingdom of God on His terms and let His will be done in us, trusting the Father will provide all we need (Mt 6:32-34), our lives will continue to be cluttered. Start your day with God, and if the clutter of your life takes over, find Him midday, maybe during lunch break, to reel you back in from the last 5 hours and then DONT GO TO BED without Him. Thats the goal...never leaving Him for too long. AND OF COURSE ALWAYS REPENT! Whatever we’re dealing with, if we acknowledge it, confess it, and seek God’s grace to part with it, he will forgive us and restore us to his presence. We never have to live chained to our sins. Today is the “acceptable time” when you can receive his love and mercy (2 Corinthians 6:2)!
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 11:20:54 +0000

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