I just posted a new note for you: Outsmarting those Holiday - TopicsExpress


I just posted a new note for you: Outsmarting those Holiday Pounds. Want to hold the line- your waistline that is- during the holiday season? It’s easy to pile on extra pounds when faced with typical holiday fare- lots of baked goods, candies, cookies, and cakes. So what’s a body to do without turning into a food Grinch and a wet blanket? You can minimize carbs, foil weight gain, and maximize fun and pleasure all at the same time using a PlantPlus approach. Here’s how to do it! 1. Always eat a healthy snack shortly before you get to a party or holiday dinner. When you’re hungry it’s easy to give in to sugary treats and extra helpings of stuffing and mashed potatoes that plump you up and feed the cycle of carb craving. Keep healthy, filling snacks handy, in the car or in your purse or pocket. Eat a handful of nuts, a piece of fruit, a stick or two of mozzarella cheese and you’re good to go. I think of these as “willpower in your pocket” foods. 2. Bake healthy holiday treats for your family and friends. Try one or more varieties of the almond flour cookies in the recipe section of my book, The PlantPlus Diet Solution: Personalized Nutrition for Life. These taste so much better than cookies made from grain, and furthermore they are low in sugar real food treats. Eat a couple of these babies and you’ll be healthy and satisfied- purring like a cat with pleasure. This is truly having your cake and eating it, too. Fun food without the guilt. 3. It’s party time and you eat a piece of pumpkin pie. It’s not normally on your diet so you start to berate yourself. “Damn,” I just blew my diet after all these weeks (or months). I shouldn’t have eaten that piece of pie. The crust is full of gluten (calories, sugar, it’s processed, whatever). I probably just gained a pound.” As soon as you start talking to yourself like that, your inner saboteur opens the floodgates to eating more. “Well, I already ruined my diet so I might as well have another piece of that pie.” So you eat a second piece of pie, which may not even have tasted so great in the first place, and now your inner saboteur goes into high gear. “Oh boy. I’ve really blown it now. I can’t believe that I just ate two pieces of that lousy pie. It wasn’t even that good. But those chocolate truffles really do look good. What the hell, I’ve already made a mess of things, so I might as well have a couple of truffles. I love the ones with caramel and salt.” The next morning you wake up feeling guilty. When you go the store that donut looks mighty good, so you say, “What the Hell, it’s the holidays. You gotta live a little. I’ll go on a diet in January.” And that, dear reader, is the beginning of the end. You judge yourself, are found wanting, and the emotional misery of failure leads to the Catch-22 of mindless eating: you eat to feel better, but end up feeling worse, which leads to eating more, which makes you feel worse, and the beat goes on while the pounds pile up. Self-judgment never leads to any place worth going. Bottom line? If you eat the goodies, forgive yourself and then go back to using the first two tips to keep that waistline from wasting your peace of mind! Happy healthy holidays to you and yours! The PlantPlus Diet Solution makes a great holiday gift. amazon/PlantPlus-Diet-Solution-Personalized-Nutrition-ebook/dp/B00KSF7VZE/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1417985634&sr=1-1&keywords=plantplus+diet+solution
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 20:54:40 +0000

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