I just posted the following on Claire Metcalfes page, and decided - TopicsExpress


I just posted the following on Claire Metcalfes page, and decided to post it on here too, to put all our friends in the picture... Apologies for such a heartfelt and personal post on Claire Metcalfe - Boutique Florists page, but as it is my final one in this vein, and as at the present time quite a few people who may be interested in the subject matter contained in it, will be following this page - it seemed like the best place to put it. All I want to say is that we should not have to spell it out (and at such personal cost), that in times like these businesses need the people with real clout on their councils to work on a one to one basis with them, to ensure that people enjoy coming to town, are evenly distributed, and can gain easy access to all the shops and businesses, in ALL parts of the town centre. One size definitely does not fit all, especially now that the dynamic of this town has changed, and things are obviously not working for quite a lot of us, and have not worked for a long time. This all goes deeper than the admittedly VERY important issues around parking as well, due to the present situation being also about the recession and changed shopping habits too, and that is why we need to get together, and work on strategies and incentives which will benefit our particular areas, businesses and customers. All Im saying (and I think Robs message might be similar, only maybe not as restrained), is discuss with us directly what our problems are, and what we think possible solutions might be to them. Dont just decide for us. I confessed to Rob the other day that I am finally weary of the struggle, as it should NOT have to be a struggle. After more than five years of repeatedly trying and failing to get this message across I simply give up. This has to be my last comment on the subject, as I now need to concentrate all my time, strength and ideas on Guru Boutique. Good luck (especially at this time), to Claire Metcalfe - Boutique Florist, and to any of the the other people, be they members of the council, members of the business community, members of B.I.D., or members of the public, who are seriously interested in making our town centre fairer, stronger and more viable.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 09:44:41 +0000

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