I just read Jason Zimmermans Reddit thread asking the community - TopicsExpress


I just read Jason Zimmermans Reddit thread asking the community why Gonzalo Barrios was getting so much hate. The answers were pathetic. Top reasons were unanimously: they dont like his scarf, they dont like his glasses, his playstyle, and his appearance. So suddenly, because of those trash excuses its ok to demean and insult a 19-year old kid who came here from another continent to play smash because he loves the game so much? First off, his mother gave him that scarf and it reminds him of her and keeps him calm. His glasses are prescription, his appearance is fine, and his playstyle is to win. Ive actually seen people argue that, why was he camping and playing to win so hard at the invitational, when it was just for fun and nothing was on the line? Yes, nothing was on the line except: $500 cash prize, fame, and a wonderful opportunity to promote yourself. Every single person in the 16-man tournament was playing to win. Not a single person threw away a stock or a game for entertainments sake. If you want to win a free-for-all with items on in a brand new game where no one knows how to play, you play defensively. Dont blame the player for doing what it takes to win when so much is at stake. I made this status because it really makes me upset to hear that all this ridiculous, unfounded amount of hate is getting down a guy who in my experience has always been perfectly kind and friendly. Its easy to tell someone to not let negativity get you down, but when youre 19 and the whole internet is hurling abuse at you, its a lot harder to be constantly chipper. Ill probably talk about this more on my stream later. Hopefully this hate dies down soon because its one of the most poisonous things Ive seen come out of the community that I otherwise love.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 04:56:18 +0000

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