I just read a comment on someones post, wherein Obama and his - TopicsExpress


I just read a comment on someones post, wherein Obama and his administration were referred to as incompetent. I took exception to the comment, and typed a long winded reply to it. I decided to share my reply here as well, as I think I want this thought to reach a broader audience, if possible. So what follows is what I said: ---------------- Just a thought here folks. I believe that a careful analysis of the goings on of the current administration and the last several administrations will reveal that they are in fact very, very competent. The question of whether they are competent or not really comes down to whether or not they are accomplishing what they set about to accomplish. Were they merely incompetent, then at least some of the time, they would do things (even if only inadvertently) that would actually be good, in the sense that those things would actually work in harmony with and strengthen the position of the constitution. But the things that they do seem to ALWAYS be evil. It doesnt matter what they do, those things (decisions, screw ups, executive orders, etc) ALWAYS take America in a direction that puts the nation in an increasingly weakened and precarious position. So as I see things; no, they arent even a little bit incompetent. They know exactly what they mean to do, and theyve been doing it for generations. But the past several administrations have really been putting the pedal to the metal with regards to undermining the nations stability ASAP. Republicans, Democrats - it means nothing. It is so much smoke and mirrors to keep the masses (YOU, my friends) distracted from what they are really doing. But I would add that in doing what they are doing (as nefarious as their plans are), they are unwitting tools in Gods hands to bring about His plans according to what He has said in His word that He will do in these last days. Opening the floodgates to Islamic jihad immigration may be a plan that they have been acting on for the past couple of decades, in a bid to subvert western society. But in the bigger picture, it is God punishing us with the Rod of the Assyrians for collectively turning our back from Him, and seeking our own way instead. Yes, Islam, being the cancer that it is, destroys civilizations and cultures everywhere it sets foot; but one need not be a genius to see that there is a pattern of western (formerly Christian) nations becoming fat and complacent, and turning from God to humanism. They want evil? God will give it to them in spades, AS JUDGMENT. I believe that the influx of millions of Muslims into our western nations is part of Gods judgment. It seems that the pattern of scriptural history is that God judges a people who have turned from Him, He always uses a people who are MORE WICKED than the people He is judging. So what comes next? One thing is certain; things are going to rapidly and progressively get much, MUCH worse. We know this because God has told us as much in His word. Will America even exist as a nation when the Lord returns? I honestly have no clue. Same with my own country, Canuckistan. We become (being human) very nationo-centric (Im sure theres a real word for what I mean, but it escapes me just now), and think that the nation we call home should and must endure until the end. But is there anything in scripture that teaches us that? If there is, I for one do not know where. I see certain nations mentioned in scripture, aside from Israel, but they are all in the mid east or at least largely in the same hemisphere as Israel. But beyond them, I only see people try to read other nations into scripture, as if our own ego needs to see our own nations mentioned where they probably are not mentioned. No, Obama is far from incompetent; the man and his administration know exactly what they are doing. And they know exactly what they will get away with. Oh sure - there will always be collateral damage, and they know exactly who to leave hanging as a fall guy when the time comes. Even if Obama ever is indicted and impeached, it will be a joke for him, just as it was for Clinton. And he KNOWS IT. By the time anything like that happens, he will have already accomplished what he set out to do, and will just pass the baton to the next criminal, be he Republican or Democrat. Wont matter who replaces him, as that person will be hand picked, just as Obama was, and just as the useful idiots that went before him. Just sayin. (End Note: as always, Ill be looking forward to Jeanettes counter point. )
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 05:14:29 +0000

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