I just read an article about parents of kids with Special Needs - TopicsExpress


I just read an article about parents of kids with Special Needs and parenting that child. Gosh, did it hit home! It can sometimes be so hard to make that decision whether to correct the child or not. There is so much more to consider when you have a child like Logan. Children with special needs have so much going on in their world and the last thing you as a parent want to do is cause a melt down because once the child gets to.the melt down stage, it can last all day. Then, people want to.look at you as a bad parent or spoiling the child. People seem to think that because Logan dont look different that there is nothing wrong. You cant see genetic mutations! And Logan has a couple of them. Sure there is Down Syndrome and a few other trisomy but most are not visible to the naked eye. You cant see Sensory Processing Disorder but what you can see if you open your heart and stop with the mind set of I am a bad parent or just taking the easy way out by ignoring the child. . . When you try to correct the child with SPD you can see Logan is not processing what he has done or that there is danger in what he is doing. That is why it is called Sensory PROCESSING Disorder. As the parent you really have to weigh out is what the child is doing really that terrible to cause the fight you are fixing to get! Trust me 9 out of 10 times there will be a fight. Logan also is determined. . When he gets something in his head that he wants NOTHING CAN break that train of thought. I have tried everything. Its not that easy! Also he could be having a day when his SPD is giving him a fit! Image sitting by a train tracks all day and the noise dont stop and it just gets loader and loader. Next think about anything you eat just has a bad texture or a terrible taste. Think about biting into your favorite food and it just taste like dirt! But people want to say I dont try to feed him. I have learned that when Logan is having a bad SPD day the go to food is Doritos and pop corn. But I hear all I feed him is junk! Trust me all his doctors know his diet and like they said at least its something soild. Then people dont consider the gastrointestinal problems and that he also has Sandifer Syndrome that makes it hard for Logan to eat or the fact that on his left jaw the is a small physical deformation to cause more eating problems. You dont see the silent seizures or the Microcephaly. It seems people only see Logan is close to 3 and should be able to do this or that. Logan is also Global Development Delay and Failure to Thrive. That doesnt mean that we dont work with him, that means his genetic mutations have more control over him and make him this way. Is growth and development chart is up and down. .. one month he may hit normal and the next he is below the curve. There is nothing that I can do about it. Next we got the kidneys that are failing. . This also henders him and guess what? You cant look at him and know he has Kidney Disease. Once again there is nothing I can do to help besides keep him at the doctors. Now we are trying to learn how to walk in braces and once again another challenge. Then the drive back and forth to Gainesville two to three times a week and multiple doctor appointments and therapy. So I then have to deal with the people who think I might be making a little more out of it than what it really is. Oh please, do you really think I am trying to make my child sick or in some sick way want attention? Another thing is as a parent of a special needs child. . You learn how to tell the difference between a person who is giving you the hint that you could do better and the person who is genuinely asking out of concern and trying to understand the situation you are in. Then put on top of all this he is close to 3 and he cant communicate what he wants or needs or telling me whats wrong, this is probably the most challenging of all. Dont get me wrong, i am not saying that Logan should not be corrected when wrong and not taught the right ways of handling situations and life. I am saying that there is so much more to take in consideration with children like him. He dont come with a book and i know that there are books out there but they are nonsense because truly it is day by day and trial and error at this house. I am also not saying that we dont have good days. Every day is different with a child like Logan. You never know what youre going get when he wakes up that day...lol. There are the days when he does something that is so small for a regular child but in our world it is huge to have that break threw. I get so happy about it. It sometimes weird because it seems like we have our own way of getting things across to one another. Mostly though I see how my little guy needs me and needs me to be his advocate.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 13:41:05 +0000

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