I just read this intreresting article about an argument about - TopicsExpress


I just read this intreresting article about an argument about Chris Benoit. Please read if you are an ignoramous who thinks Benoit should be in the hall of fame. ---------------------------------------------------------------- “I think Chris Benoit should be inducted into the WWE Hall Of Fame!” “What? You honest to God think that?” “Yeah, he’s a legend in the business, he deserves the recognition.” “That’s never going to happen.” “Well, I don’t see any reason why he shouldn’t be honored for his accomplishments.” “Really? Because I can think of one really big reason.” “Look, I know the circumstances surrounding his death were tragic and controversial. There’s no denying that. But we need to separate what he did in his personal life and what he did in the ring.” “Did you say controversial?” “Yeah.” “Why would that word enter your brain?” “Well, you know, because of how the investigation was handled.” “I’m not following you.” “Well, I think they just closed the case a little prematurely.” “What are you insinuating?” “Well… maybe Benoit didn’t do it.” “Wow, you’re really doing this.” “Look, there are a lot of things that raise questions. First off, why was the case closed so fast? Benoit, Nancy, and Daniel were all sedated at the time of death. Why would the murderer sedate himself? And where was Kevin Sullivan when this all happened?” “You’re implying that you, a person that has simply watched the news and looked at the available evidence that was released, have cracked the case of the Benoit tragedy by pinning it on The Taskmaster.” “Well he did say he was going to kill Benoit, and he’s a well known Satanist.” “First off, Sullivan isn’t a Satanist. He played one on TV. Do you think Undertaker is really a mystical zombie person or Brodus Clay is a real human/dinosaur hybrid? How real is wrestling to you?” “Well okay, sometimes characters are extensions of real life…” “And second, when did Sullivan say he was going to kill Chris Benoit? Where are you getting your information?” “Message boards.” “Of course.” “Okay, well let’s just go with your theory and assume Benoit did do it. Even if he did he wasn’t in his right state of mind! He couldn’t control himself! He had the brain of an Alzheimer’s patient at the time of his death! Should he really be held responsible for his actions?” “Yes.” “How can you say that? That’s so heartless!” “Because he murdered his wife and son.” “Yeah, but he was suffering due to years of abuse he’s taken in the ring. All the flying head butts, all the unprotected chair shots, they took a toll on his brain. In reality, WWE should be responsible for this tragedy.” “That’s the most one-sided and ignorant argument ever. Chris Benoit was a professional wrestler who willingly put his body through hell. He made the choice to take every chair shot he took. He wasn’t getting hit with them against his will. Hell, he didn’t even do it for free. He got his money. In the end the responsibility falls on him.” “Yeah, but that still doesn’t mean he should be responsible for his actions when his brain was a pudding pop.” “I suppose a kid that walks into an elementary school and starts shooting children point blank shouldn’t be held accountable for his actions because he was mentally imbalanced? Or a terrorist who sets off a bomb and kills hundreds shouldn’t be held accountable because he was indoctrinated by a hateful group of zealots, right?” “Well… no…” “Look if you want to have a discussion about the effects of trauma to the brain and ways to prevent it, we can do that all day because I’m game. That’s a conversation worth having. But, that’s not what you’re doing here. You’re trying to excuse the cold and terrible actions of a human being just so you can justify his inclusion in the Hall Of Fame.” “Okay, but he still contributed a lot to this business. He gave his blood, sweat, and tears for the fans of wrestling, and even though what he did was horrible, we should separate that from the long and storied career he had before that terrible day.” “He murdered his wife and child.” “Yeah I know, but…” “BUT NOTHING. He murdered his wife and child. I don’t care if every day of his life he took care of sick puppies and nursed them back to health with the power of love and hugs. In life your last act dictates how your legacy will be upheld, and his last act was full of death and carnage. Are you insinuating that a television character’s legacy is more important than the lives of a woman and her child? Because if you are, that’s terrible.” “So what, are we just supposed to erase him from history? That shouldn’t happen. Regardless if WWE wants to admit it or not, he was a big part of their company and she be recognized for the role he played, not blotted out of existence like they’re trying to do.” “There is a big difference between acknowledging someone’s contributions and honoring them. He’s not completely gone. Look at the title history on the website, his name is there.” “Yeah, but he did so much more than win belts!” “Yeah, like murder his wife and child. Why aren’t you getting this?” “Look, I’m just expressing my opinion. I don’t know why you have to be so rude about it! I’m allowed to speak my mind!” “This is true, but you have to understand that if you plan to express yourself then there are going to be consequences to what you say, and you better be prepared for someone to vehemently disagree with you. You need to choose your words carefully, plan your argument out, and be prepared to fight for it. If you’re not prepared to deal with the consequences that come with sharing your opinions, good or bad, then you probably shouldn’t say anything at all.” “Well…” “Especially when it involves honoring a man that MURDERED HIS WIFE AND CHILD.” “Yeah, but…” “No, shut up, you need to understand this: There is no way Chris Benoit will ever get in WWE’s Hall Of Fame, and he doesn’t deserve to. In our society we do not tolerate and glorify people that murder their children with pillows. There are no buts here, there are no more arguments. This is done. We are done forever with arguing about Chris Benoit and the Hall Of Fame.” “It’s just…” “DONE.” “Fine, okay, I get it.” “Good. Finally.” “But they could at least release a Best of DVD.” “I hate you.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -H.M
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 19:36:21 +0000

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