I just realized what a slacker I have been and that it has been a - TopicsExpress


I just realized what a slacker I have been and that it has been a very long time since I posted about my AZBCR babies. Work is finally slowing down so here are my amends: Wilbur is...well he is my Wilbur Cow and my love. He still has yet to realize he is a D.-O.-G. He starts classes next month in hopes of becoming a Pet Partner and getting certified to work with Alzheimer’s patients! ;) His personality is so suited for it and I think he will be able to bring some much needed understanding and love into a few lucky souls’ lives. Plus if I get to add some bling to his little vest he will be the happiest guy on the planet. Normally the trainer says it takes a few sessions to “gauge” if a dog is suited for the program but after about ten minutes with my little guy, she was in love and gave him her stamp of approval. Penny is a teenager in every way possible. She is sassy and defiant and loves to test the boundaries yet she tries so hard to please but has more energy and intelligence than she knows what to do with (I think she is smarter than a lot of humans I know). Sound familiar anyone? She also starts classes next month but with her; the end goal is agility. Her focus is extraordinary and the girl has some serious serious speed and moves. I am way way way out of my league on where to take her training from the point we are at so off to a professional we will go. One thing I am very thankful for lately is that doors swing/open inwards. She has taught herself how to open the front door of my house and if we are in the yard, she has no issue with letting herself in to get a drink or go grab a new toy. I am considering tying a sock on the handle so she can close the door after herself and not let out all the cold air! Thank you again AZBCR. I do not know how I would survive without my four legged babies!
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 03:47:35 +0000

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