I just realized you guys seriously believe this earth being the - TopicsExpress


I just realized you guys seriously believe this earth being the center of the universe, so pretty much before I get removed from this page for what I am sure will be disregarded as trolling or whatever. I was curious why people so fully believe in something that people have given up their lives to help you know the real answer? (referencing specifically the Spanish Inquisition but not limiting to) How come we have physical photographs of the earth actually orbiting (referencing multiple satellite pictures, specifically Voyager and SolarMax) yet you cant just somehow be okay with the fact that we really are on an insignificant rock in an off shoot arm of a billion stars making up one of a billion galaxies, why would somehow this one rock have the gravitational power to make all those things orbit around us? We are not even anywhere near the middle of our observable universe. I am not trying to combat any religious beliefs and I will flat out say Of course science does not have all the answers, but it continues to be able to ask the questions and get some of the answers. The bible itself, (Ezekial, for example.) does not specifically say our little rock is the center of it all. As well as poses several contradictions to itself that people no longer themselves believe. The dark ages altered several interpretations of what the earth is written like in the bible itself. Lets pose a basic experiment to test the theory of the picture that is used to headline the facebook group page for this forum: Lets say I climb to the top of a mountain and see another mountain far away, so I go climb that mountain and the mountain I was on before now appears far away, which is the mountain? That basically sums up what I would have to attribute to being the ignorance displayed in saying we are the literally the center of it all. We as a whole are not even that special as a species and to think we are somehow exempt from all the principles that math, science and living in a practical application of the teachings of the bible, rather then taking it at its word. God can still love us as we learn amazing things, and teach those amazing things to our children. The Earth physically has to move around the sun to make the seasons change. Things can be learned after the magical bible was written and be applied to its teachings. It is nothing short of a prediction of mass genocide not to. How can ignorance like this thrive to this day? Jesus asks us to love, part of love is knowledge. Limiting yourself to the teachings of one book is the same as a Nazi book burning festival to us surviving as a race. For the love God please, please, please. Expand the thoughts you have to realistic points of view beyond this. Its insanity not to. I fully read the rules, I attempted with care to cover several ON TOPIC items. I attempted to not be insulting, rude, stray off topic, I very basically cited references to some of the things I mentioned, because it was a little early in the morning for me and I am also not ready to write a bibliography 7 pages long. I dont use things like wikipedia, or google. So, if any of the rules were broken, I will apologize before the berating starts. I think that covers it. Posting.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:21:15 +0000

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