I just reviewed my recent Lab Blood Work results and they appear - TopicsExpress


I just reviewed my recent Lab Blood Work results and they appear to be somewhat revealing in terms of my ongoing illness problems. I have a followup appt. with my doctor on 3/31 to discuss possible treatments. In the meantime adding over the counter supplements are really helping. I want to give an update of my health status below which is rather detailed. I am giving this level of detail because of all the problems Ive had to battle. My hope is that if someone else encounters similar problems they may benefit from my experience and hopefully avoid what Ive had to endure. One important point to make right up front is that I had no warning signs that I was about to plunge into 5 months of very serious illness. It just hit me right out of the blue without a single warning. One moment I was seemingly normal and the next a was very sick and bedridden with 104 fevers, coughing and other problems. Today, I think Im finally on the road to recovery. First of all here is a summary for what I think caused my health problems. 1. Vitamin D deficiency from being indoors and not getting enough sun. 2. Zinc deficiency from not getting enough Zinc in my diet, (ie: I was not eating beef) 3. I was not getting enough exercise because was studying the Bible all day long at my desk (too much of a good thing). My Lab Blood Work results revealed some interesting information. One major glaring result is a Vitamin D deficiency. My Vitamin D is well below the required bloodstream level. For a number of reasons, many people aren’t getting enough vitamin D to stay healthy. This is called vitamin D deficiency. You may not get enough vitamin D if: You don’t get enough sunlight. Your body is usually able to get all the vitamin D it needs if you regularly expose enough bare skin to the sun. However, many people don’t get enough sunlight because they spend a lot of time inside and because they use sunscreen. It’s also difficult for some people to get enough vitamin D from the sun during the winter. You don’t take supplements. It’s very difficult to get enough vitamin D from the foods you eat alone. My ESR Inflammation Marker is High which indicated a high level of inflammation in the body. This would be consistent with my symptoms including the Prostatitis and maybe the chronic cough. Elevated PSA for Prostate Function also consistent with the Prostatitis. Im thinking the Vitamin D deficiency coupled with a Zinc deficiency may be the root cause of all the problems. During the Winter months I dont get outdoors very much and so I get very little sunshine which is the main source of Vitamin D. In the Summer I try to go out a lot to walk but in Winter I pretty much holdup inside. Zinc is another problem. Regarding Zinc, it can not be measured by a Blood Test because the Body does not store Zinc. Zinc is passed through the urine and therefore you must get enough daily Zinc to maintain a healthy immune system. Zinc comes mainly from Beef or things like Oysters. Chicken (dark meat) and vegetables have some Zinc, however, the best source of Zinc is Beef. If you dont eat Red Meat, that is Beef, you may not be getting enough Zinc. If you are a vegetarian or eat mainly vegetables and white chicken meat then you most certainly do not get your daily required Zinc intake. The Zinc vegetables can not be absorbed by the body therefore you will require a Zinc supplement. I had stopped eating Beef many years ago. I only rarely ate beef or any kind of Red Meat because of concerns about calories and fat. I mainly eat white chicken meat, grains and vegetables. Now I am eating beef and taking a supplement with Zinc (Super Beta Prostate). I noticed an immediate improvement in my prostate health when I started the Zinc supplement. In addition to my prostate battle, I had a minor bruise on my leg that became very swollen at the same time my prostate started causing problems. It was just a normal bruise from bumping a piece of furniture. The kind of bruise which would normally heal within days. However, when I got the Prostatitis the bruise became very swollen and stayed that way for 4 months. It did not started to improve until my Prostate started to get better. The same is true for my chronic cough. As the Prostate has started to improve so has the cough. The Doctor also asked me to take Prilosec OTC for the cough. The Prilosec OTC treats a condition known as Silent Reflux, which results in various symptoms including a chronic cough. Silent Reflux is like Acid Reflux without the normal Acid Reflux symptoms. The cough had already lessened as the Prostatitis improved. However the Prilosec OTC seems to really be helping bring the cough under control. You take the Prilosec OTC for 14 days only. Bottom line is that I think everything, the Prostatitis, Coughing, Swollen Bruise that wont heal were all a result of the Vitamin D deficiency and Zinc deficiency. I stopped all pharmaceutical prescriptions, which were causing me a number of very bad side effects and added a Zinc supplement and saw immediate improvements in my conditions. Now that I know I also have a Vitamin D deficiency I am heading out to get a Vitamin D supplement and then see what the doctor says on the 31st. However, I plan to strongly resist pharmaceutical prescriptions. Instead I want to use only over the counter. Get more exercise and eat better by adding things like beef back into my diet.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 17:58:26 +0000

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