I just sent the below email to WCCP FM, The ROAR, and will be - TopicsExpress


I just sent the below email to WCCP FM, The ROAR, and will be sending to Clemson University & the Athletic Department. After hearing Walt Deptulas comments about suicide and Robin Williams yesterday I am LIVID! It was irresponsible for him to make such comments about suicide on air as an employee of WCCP FM much less representing Clemson University! If you advertise or listen to the station I would ask that you stand for those that are hopeless and voiceless & their families. As you read below mental illness has affected many in the athletic department at Clemson University. I am not sure you are the person that can forward this to Walt Deptula but I would appreciate if you could. After having several Clemson & Carolina fans call me yesterday asking me to listen to your show I was disappointed and shocked regarding your comments about the death of Mr Robin Williams. First of all I am not sure you are qualified to discuss mental illness, addiction, nor suicide. I suggest you become educated about the facts of mental illness and what those that suffer from it go through day in and day out. One out of four people suffer from mental illness and if you dont know someone that does you obviously are not aware of the signs nor maybe care. Your arrogance about the subject is not only appalling but can be mistook as a representation of Clemson University. I am sure you are aware of several former players, former head coaches wives, former coaches and former athletic directors son that suffers from this disease. If you need me to list them I will be more than happy to do to so. Just because you are given a microphone to reach the masses should not allow you to make comments about such a serious subject that affects not only those that suffer but also their families. Normally I wouldnt even pay attention to opinions such as this because they are a dime a dozen in the sporting world....But I have to tell you, you have crossed boundaries that should have never been crossed on a sports network show. Sincerely, Jennifer Ford
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 18:42:44 +0000

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