I just sent this to sixty minutes...maybe others should do the - TopicsExpress


I just sent this to sixty minutes...maybe others should do the same eh? Put some pressure on, what?? Hi, its me again. I have been living in Morwell, very close to town,which is 500 metres from the open cut and the foul stench emminating from it. I have personally evacuated twice and am about to again. This situation is getting worse for the locals, businesses in the area and for people in the surrounding areas. Kids are breaking out in Bacterial infections, pussy boil like pustuals...oozing green. This is not natural nor acceptable, I have never seen its like before in 50 years, except for old footage of Small Pox! The health problems people are suffering from are appalling! The town is in Chaos, people who have to go to work (where there still open) have to go in sick because if they dont they will get fired. My partner had an appt with Employment Innovations this morning at 10am, when he arrived there was no one there, and the power was off. A worker turned up from Warragul, just passing through, he told my partner that all the workers refuse to work in Morwell. Who can blame them...at least they have a choice. This disaster needs to be addressed as a Disaster and Declared! If you do not have a health care card, you cant receive any help to leave. Please please please do a story and help all of us put some pressure on Local, State and Federal governing bodies! Would you like to live here? This is bloody disgusting and people are getting sicker and sicker, they dont go to the hospitals because we all know whats wrong with us and dont want to clog the hospital system. Have a look into how many people have been to respite centres, temporary health centres i.e. ambulance centre, commercial rd primary school. I went to the ambulance centre to check my stats n my 02 level was 96, its never been that low. There is no air here...not enough oxygen particles left inthe air that we breath. That is what it feels like,for everyone. Besides the headaches that dont go away, the sore throat and eyes, swollen glands, bacterial infections, skin peeling off from faces.....this is affecting people in all sorts of ways. The powers that be and scientists dont know what the long term effects are for Prolonged Exposure to these Australian Brown Coal,charred, steamed, saturated with contaminated water that we all breath.... effects are! COME ON!!!!! Are we the Guinea Pigs? If this had happened in a third world country Australia would be one of the first countries to offer help, yes? Why do they let Australians get poisoned by a privately owned company that makes a fortune from our people while raping the land? So far every one has been Stalling, hoping this will all blow away.....News Flash!!!!!!! Its only getting worse for us. Its not as smoky sure...this is something else. They have smothered this Coal fire, just smothered it. That just forces it down and out, but it looks better for the public who dont have to live here. Even when the wind is in our favor a bit...it still stinks and tastes very bad, causes asthma and violent vomiting. Please we need someone to take this Seriously and act now! We are tired....no oxygen! Lethargic and spacey .....no oxygen! Vomiting and asthma.........poisons and not enough oxygen! God its terrible you can surely tell with your own health that it builds up. Come on scientists.......we have been Guinea Pigs Long Enough!
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 06:03:54 +0000

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