I just thought this was interesting to read about a ponzi scam - TopicsExpress


I just thought this was interesting to read about a ponzi scam that has gone on for almost three decades and yet we still buy in to it. GLOBAL WARMING POP QUIZ — BEFORE you bet the farm - YES = 10 points: Less than 100 out of 180 — YOU FAIL YES or NO — DID YOU KNOW: 1) The political HOAX of Global Warming is a conjured up con-job based on the flawed science of Roger Revelle and Hans Suess 1957 paper on greenhouse gas and the climate. 2) In 1967, one of Roger Revelles, (nearly failing D-students) at Harvard, a young Al Gore got the brilliant idea in his fat head that CARBON was the scourge of ALL mankind, and he could somehow get rich and famous with his new found fancy book-learning from the ONLY science course he ever took. 3) In 1972, Al Gore and globalist Maurice Strong would capitalize on Revelles flawed work to be employed as the basis of a new world-wide Tax Scheme to fleece all that could be conned, and usher in Global Governance from a trusting and easily manipulated modern culture. 4) Gores rise as a political figure from day one, and only claim to fame has been his spinning of Revelles flawed science. ~ Oh, thats right, Gore would later invent the Internet as his gift to the world... 5) Going as far back as 1988, Roger Revelle (the man who started the very notion of Carbon based Global Warming) began to completely reverse his own original hypothesis. By 1990 Revelle wrote his congressmen bringing great doubt to their original BAD SCIENCE 6) After Revelles death in 1991, Al Gore would denounce (his mentor) Revelle as a senile old man after reversing his original outdated findings and their greatly flawed theoretical computer models. 7) Tapping into the $4.7billion dollars spent annually on the brisk business of phoney (state funded) scientific research, Al Gore has already reaped in $Millions on this fraud. Something the Kosh Brothers and big oil companies could never dare claim... 8) The planning of the Wall Street Cap&Trade Exchange was developed by Al Gore, and the corporate criminal Ex-Enron CEO Bernie Madoff. 9) All the Carbon Tax in the world will NEVER in a million years alter the level of C02 on our planet. 10) A group of brilliant climate scientists got hopelessly stuck in the Antarctic icecap back in December 2013, trying to prove the ice was melted. After the research ship got stuck, a FIRST rescue ice-cutter got stuck in the massive ice shelf, then a SECOND ice cutter got stuck. All THREE ships are now abandoned, and will be completely destroyed by the crushing force of the ice over the winter - a total loss of $billions in hardware. All were safely rescued a week later by US Coast Guard helicopters. - It was SUMMER at the time. Let that sink in a bit... 11) The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was slapped together by the UN, and is an international body of governments, NOT climate scientists what so ever. 12) Out of 117 of the IPCCs theoretical scientific climate models - 114 HAVE FAILED - Still wanna bet the farm on a track record like that? 13) The head of the IPCC, Rajendra Pachauri is nothing more than a glorified Railroad Engineer/CONMAN, who acknowledges himself that there has been NO warming for 17 years? 14) CO2 represents only 0.28% of the worlds Greenhouse gasses. - YEAH, NO KIDDING! You could shut down the worlds industries and autos for a decade and it would NOT make a dent in the CO2 rate. Precisely what the contrived ponzi scheme of Cap & Trade was bases on. They cannot get their CARBON TAX money using the (fortune-teller) term Climate Change, it HAS to be Global Warming. They have to SELL US on the scourge of man-made C02, or their entire phoney scheme collapses... 15) The forecasting procedures that were used by the IPCC for its Global Warming predictions violated 72 of the 89 principals of scientific forecasting. A little Inconvenient Truth Obama, and Al Gore somehow neglect to point out. 16) In the IPCCs 2007 report alone, an alleged Pier Reviewed Literature they tout as imperial fact — Out of 44 chapters - over 18,000 references claimed to be pier-reviewed sources were anything but. A full 30%+ of them were based on nothing but NON-SCIENTIFIC Press Releases, Green Peace documents, Student Papers, Working Papers, and other garbage. This is what passed as real Science? 17) There is currently 9,000 PhDs, and 31,000 other climate researchers have signed an international petition calling out the fraudulent science of Global Warming / Climate Change. 18) Informed people world-wide are sick to death of being conned by our governments and their lying lapdog media about Global Warming / Climate Change. PENCILS DOWN - HOW DID YOU SCORE? Less than 100 out of 180 YOU FAILED ~ Want to learn the facts about how this hoax began? Coming from the man that founded theWeather Channel - PLEASE WATCH THIS! How the Fake Global Warming Scare Began. https://youtube/watch?v=j5s56PjZvO8 © 2014 Microsoft Terms Privacy & cookies Developers English (United States) MICHAEL HENSON Facebook Facebook Connect Twitter Twitter Sign up Already on Twitter? Content from FacebookTwitter Learn more|Turn off
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 23:46:53 +0000

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