I just took the How Liberal Are You quiz and found it so puzzling - TopicsExpress


I just took the How Liberal Are You quiz and found it so puzzling as to question its veracity. Er...aly? Its a FACEBOOK QUIZ! Oh, right. Nevertheless, just for fun, here are my results and below, why I found this to be a puzzling quiz. *G* My results were in agreement with: 89% Democrats on environmental, social, economic, domestic policy, immigration, healthcare, and education issues. 87% Green Party on environmental, social, economic, domestic policy, foreign policy, and healthcare issues. 36% Socialist on: no major issues. 24% Libertarians on immigration and foreign policy issues. 8% Republicans on no major issues So puzzle #1: How can you have agreement with a party, let alone, say, 36% agreement, and yet on no major issues??? I looked up my 8% Republican agreement and heres what they said on the environment: Question: Should National Parks continue to be preserved and protected by the federal government? learn more Republican Answer: Yes, but allow limited logging, drilling, and mining My answer: Yes The problem? I didnt HAVE the choice of Yes, but allowing.... nor would I have in ANY way agreed to such an escape clause for big mining, logging and drilling interests!!! Far from it. My yes meant just that. PROTECTED. The quiz also had the Republican Party supporting the labeling of GMOs when in fact, its just the opposite. Backed by the huge food/agro corporations (meaning CAMPAIGN-FUNDED), many Republican politicians supported the downfall of recent legislation in several states (including my own) that would have required GMO labeling. I also apparently agreed with Socialists on a few issues. Er...heres an example: Heres the question asked: Should the government require health insurance companies to provide free birth control? Heres the Socialist answer and mine: Socialist: No, the government should sponsor abstinence education programs instead Mine: Yes How does their NO equal my YES in any way? Hello? It was a confusing quiz in as much as was I being compared simply to other Americans on these issues, as opposed to actual Party lines?? If so, maybe the quiz would be better utilized to show how far off Americans are from the platform of their chosen party? If you want to take this yourself, go here: isidewith/political-quiz
Posted on: Tue, 10 Jun 2014 04:02:41 +0000

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