I just trusted a deep voice inside of myself and made a major - TopicsExpress


I just trusted a deep voice inside of myself and made a major commitment. An all encompassing, life transforming commitment. I did that that thing that many people talk about in the self-development and entrepreneurial space, and something Ive done before...but I just took it to a whole new level. What did I do? I said YES to a 6-month coaching package where I will receive personal and business systems support. I made a profound pin-drop in my story by committing to my success and future. A 5-figure $ commitment, meaning I must take it very seriously, as Im very uncomfortable and its good. I said YES to becoming a fully activated Conscious Leader in the World, I said YES to embracing my story to fully unfold as it is unfolding I said YES to stepping up in my fullest power and freedom I said YES to supporting millions of people +, with life inspiring and transformative education, that helps us create a better World step by step. I also said YES my health, my beautiful and thriving relationship, my lifestyle, my mental clarity, open-expansive empathetic heart. I said YES to no longer hiding and resisting Showing-Up. I said YES to no longer letting resistance rule my life. I said YES to going PRO. Right after I got off the call with Noah Hammond Tyrrell, who I am taking this exciting journey with, my roommate Jesse pulled me aside to show me something his partner Patty Yuniverse found on the side of the highway. Its a dead Bobcat, whose body they are going to properly prepare and bury, to honor it with respect and love. Jesse had meditated with his body, and received the message, Your World is killing our World. In the coaching call, Noah had said that before Michael Jackson died he was about to go on a sold-out Global Tour to deliver the message, that if we dont take care of our environment we wont have one to live in for very long, and that we must stand up and take action. It was those words that stuck with me and made me pull the proverbial trigger. I feel responsible for making an impact in creating a better World, and I now know how to carry that responsibility without the weight of the World, I say YES to my Light, Truth & Enthusiasm for my Story to unfold. I say YES to activating my simple gifts to create a ripple that inspires others and know that can create mass effect change I say YES to a positive, thriving future of community, collaboration, harmony and celebration I say YES to Global Peace & Planetary Prosperity And now, more than ever, I am truly embracing the raw and unique experience of life as a story, which is what the workshop I just finished attending for 5-days with Robert Scheinfeld was all about. And I truly see how the greatest story that can unfold will, as I just simply embrace how it does so, no matter the story. I also see others like me are being called to step up and say YES. YES to their calling, their passion, their purpose and naturally the true destiny of what is written in their story.To no longer fight the story of their life, but to harmonize with it so the greatest story can unfold. YES to stepping up and no longer looking back. YES to using our gifts to create a New Earth together. YES to creating prosperity for yourself and sharing it with others. YES to your service being fully activated and being a part of real change YES to your Brand and Business thriving in the World. YES to systems that support you in helping the most people while creating lots of prosperity YES to doing exactly what you are here to do in the greatest way you can do it. I to invite you to say YES, to yourself, your heart, in the truest most authentic and genuine way you ever have. I invite you to say YES to your leaps of faith. I invite you to live your YES down to balls and ovaries. I am also paying this invitation forward. I invite you to YES to giving yourself what you are seeking and to create for yourself the solutions you need. YES to seeing what has remained hidden til now, and revealing your Divine Birthright and Inheritance of Source, Spirit & the Miracle of Life. I am saying YES. Are You? If you are called to work with me in saying YES to yourself, your business and committing to a major new chapter of your story, I invite you to say YES right now by filling out an application for my upcoming Global Game Changer Mastermind: amateora/global-game-changer-mastermind/ No more waiting, its time to step up and say YES. We got this. Its time.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 01:26:04 +0000

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