I just want to point out how hypocritical our politicians are, and - TopicsExpress


I just want to point out how hypocritical our politicians are, and how forgetful we as a nation are: President Obama has ordered the bombing of ISIS positions in Iraq, saying that we have a duty to help those in need. A few years ago when another president was in office, then Senator Obama said that military action in Iraq was dumb. Secretary of State Kerry, meanwhile says that this is a wake-up call for those who didnt think our presence in Iraq right now is necessary and warned of genocide. His position on Iraq a few years ago was decidedly different. Meanwhile, all those No war for oil people and those who said that the American military were war criminals and terrorists in Iraq are ironically MUM. Could this be because their guy is in office? My answer to that is yes, you unprincipled asshats! If you were anti war when Bush was in office and youre not now, or are just indifferent, you are the worst kind of fool, because you have zero honor, zero principle and zero integrity. For those politicians who are all for sending us to Iraq after being wholly unsupportive of those fighting the war when we were there: Theres a special circle of hell reserved for you. I havent yet heard any Republican lawmakers protesting this action, but if there are any protests from the right: You also are an unprincipled ass. And for those wondering well Burks if your saying were unprincipled if we think its right, wrong or indifferent, what the hell are we suppose to think? I say this: Think what you want, but if your beliefs on war change with the politician in the W.H. then I have no use for you and neither does the world in general. I and pretty much every other military member I know KNEW this would happen if we left Iraq prematurely. We also knew that we werent really fighting a war as a war should be fought, we were supposed to hold back Islamic extremism while our ROE tied our hands behind our backs, costing more lives than needed to be lost. Bush and Obama BOTH were warned! Now that the sh*t has hit the fan and blown back in our faces we are all supposed to be surprised? If you find yourself so very surprised that ISIS is gaining ground quicker than expected then Im sorry but you have either been misled, or are woefully ignorant of world affairs. Of course, the president says we will solve this problem in a matter of weeks, while in the same breath saying there is no time table. Maybe its just the advantage of having served in the military, but this is commonly known as double-speak aka Bullshit and its very easy to pick out. If you find yourself believing the president when he says well solve this crisis in a matter of weeks, then ask yourself this and deliver yourself an honest answer: When was the last time a crisis in the middle east was SOLVED in weeks, let alone solved at all? Watching the government in action is like watching The Last Ship. And by the way: All those angry pacifists with poster boards and contorted ugly faces who yelled at me or any other service-members, maligned us as criminals or beat the dead horse cliché of baby killer over the past 13 years for having done our duty and now find themselves oddly silent: you can go straight to hell. That is all. Carry on.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 21:06:04 +0000

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