I just want to say my part, for what it’s worth (if anything), - TopicsExpress


I just want to say my part, for what it’s worth (if anything), and then I’ll be done with it. I like to think that I stayed on top of the Zimmerman trial pretty well. I have shared intellectual discourse on the many topics that find themselves intertwined in this debacle: guns, racism, etc. I’ve seen many different news reports and many different articles in print, and I have read them all with a keen interest in human nature. Here’s the deal. George Zimmerman was found innocent. The justice system has spoken and declared that he did not kill Martin with malicious intent. Did he kill Martin? Yes. Irrefutable. Is it a sad state of affairs that it resulted in the death of a young man? Definitely. Was Martin in Zimmerman’s neighborhood with intent to cause mischief? Doubtful. Highly doubtful. Zimmerman followed Martin when he most likely should not have. He’s guilty of that. Was he on trial for that? No. Zimmerman exited his vehicle with a weapon. Is he guilty of that? Yes. Was he on trial for that? No. Why not? Because he was within the parameters of the law in carrying this weapon. Did they scuffle? Yes. Who was the aggressor? Only two people know, and one of them is deceased. Was he on trial for assault? No. There are a lot of wrongs that Zimmerman is guilty of. Profiling? Probably. Stalking? Probably. However, he was not on trial for those either. He was on trial for the malicious killing of Martin. He claimed he feared for his life. True? Probably – at the moment. I’m sure Martin may have gotten the upper-hand during the scuffle. This may have resulted in the fear that Zimmerman claimed caused him to take lethal action. Quite possible. Zimmerman did a lot of things wrong, but he was on trial for a single issue. He was found innocent. He will forever live with what he has done. His life will never be the same. “Good,” you say. Who are you? Judge? Jury? Executioner? Have you ever feared for your life? Have you ever taken a life? Have you ever done something you regret? Place blame if you will, but the system, our system, has made its declaration. Could that change? Of course, but for now, he is innocent. If you’re unhappy with that, become a judge, an attorney, a juror; vote; change the world. Create a better form of government than the one we have in place. Build a better mousetrap, if you think that you can. I will be the first to beat a path to your door. I will beat your drum and sing your tune. But for now, the laws haven’t changed and the system has spoken. P.S. Where’s the anger over Spike Lee’s reckless disregard for the privacy and safety of an innocent man? Why is he not on trial for his actions? Was it malicious? Yes. No question. Could it have caused the death of an innocent man and possibly his family? Without a doubt. Is he forgiven? Forgotten? Convenient. Too convenient if you ask me.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 23:08:43 +0000

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