I just want to say that.... I love smell of gas and burnt out - TopicsExpress


I just want to say that.... I love smell of gas and burnt out matches. Big boobs are no fun to have, trust me. A hot outside Jacuzzi in the middle of a snow fall is awesomeness. I believe in fae and nymphs, witches , good and evil. Gaia, mother earth, is all encompassing and gives and sustains life for all so we need to stop the chemical damage. A dog is the only species on earth that loves YOU more than it loves itself. Being in love is simply temporary passion and lust but fades into love itself in some cases. Pop rocks are the best invention ever. I once surfed a wave on big beach in Hawaii and had to be pulled from the water after being taken down over and over. My biggest defect is my inability to commit. My biggest attribute is my absolute loyalty. I kind of wanted to be a cop but find myself going more against the law in order to do the right thing because I have finally realized something important~ Theres a difference between doing wrong and being wrong. I let life take me where it does because everything happens for a reason. Dominick, Melanie, Habibi and Rakaani Miranda are the ONLY things that truly matter to me in the end I have five broken teeth I cant afford to fix lol. I cant decide if Africa or Australia are more terrifying to me. I often dream things that happen shortly after or a few years later. I wont kill the mice overtaking my NY apartment because I cant bear the thought. Every religion on earth to me has seed of truth, therefor I believe in them all yet dont believe in one. The thought of killing anything, even a roach or spider makes me feel physically ill. Often, I dream of tornadoes and tidal waves in deep dark storms swirling around me as I try to save my kids or dogs. Cleaning makes me very happy and if things arent clean I get very unsettled and upset. I like an empty home, I cant stand things everywhere. This year I want to learn to play the guitar. I miss sesame chicken. Spirits ping me in active areas. When I become HIGHLY emotional, weird things happen , like the light shuts off.. I know strange but true and I have witnesses. I wish I could filter my mouth but I find such injustice everyday I have to say what I feel. Im afraid that one day in my pain ill hurt myself and everyone will be really shocked and say, but everytime I saw her she was smiling. Nobody will attend my funeral. Sometimes I eat all the marshmallows out of a box of lucky charms. Im an empath and have so much kindness in my touch, yet in a rage I can be a cruel warrior. I dont know who I really am. Facebook is the best thing ever to get to know people, when you REALLY take more than a brief look at their page. Storms make me very happy....the worse it is, the better. Happy New Year everyone!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 03:48:47 +0000

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