I just want to share a cool post that John Stephen Walsh - TopicsExpress


I just want to share a cool post that John Stephen Walsh contributed to the SovereignSpirit.net role playing blog last year. Hope you like it as much as I do. This is an email to the Sovereign Spirit sent 2 weeks into the Zombie Apocalypse... John on June 29, 2012 at 2:18 am said: Hey guys, this is John, would LOVE to be where you are–I’m in Boston, and it is NOT cool here. I was hanging out with some friends at the Rose Kennedy Parkway when there was this big to-do over in the First Aid tent. (Did I mention we’ve been camping out in support of the decriminalization of marijuana here in Mass???). I was like, “Someone can’t handle their acid,” and my man Skyler was all laughing and spilling Pringles when we heard this scream, like LOUD, louder than the time I used my ex’s rent money for Ramen noodles. Before you could say “Big Dig” we were over there in time to see this huge dude storm out of the tent and he tossed something at us, caught Skyler right in the face–it was a liver! I was like, “Whoah, we’re all vegans, man!” thinking it was like calve’s liver or some other friendly animal–it was a person’s liver! Then Huge Dude turned to this First Aid Supervisor, think his name’s Skunk, and just took a bite out of his cheek–NOT COOL. After that, it was just crazy, guys and chicks and bongs and rainbow flags flying everywhere. The cops came in, shooting, of course, didn’t do a damned thing. I went back to my dorm room, but it was crazy there, I saw this bunch of guys whalin’ on some security officers downstairs, blood everywhere, people running. This is bad, man. I had the TV on for awhile, saw what was happening, and took off to the waterfront, making sure to steer clear of the Rose, for sure. I hung out there most of the day then thought, Yo, moron, this is the wrong coast! So I’ve been living in one of the hotels on the waterfront, staying quiet, staying cool, getting food in cans from the 7-11, just keeping a low profile. I don’t know when the good guys are gonna come in and take care of these zombies, but it’s pretty bad here. They seem to have taken over the place and are just walking around, looking for people. I was hearing screams all the time until a couple weeks ago, first time I heard nothing it was scary, made me wonder if everyone else was dead. Now it’s been a week since I’ve heard a scream. So why do I still see them walking around the mall, the harbor, in the halls here? Do they smell me, or sense me? I have to wonder. I know they want to taste me. I change rooms once or twice a day but stay by the windows so I can see if any help is coming by sea. I’m waiting, in case you guys ever think to come this way.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 07:44:09 +0000

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