I just want to share how blessed I am feeling tonight. Today we - TopicsExpress


I just want to share how blessed I am feeling tonight. Today we went to church and got to have a wonderful country breakfast and fellowship with wonderful people today, I love my church family they have left a huge imprint on my heart that will always stay with me. My husband is wonderful as I cleaned house and made dinner, seeing him enjoy it always makes me smile, a way to a mans heart is through his stomach, Justin is a wonderful husband. God gave me a loyal, honest, and caring husband, and no I was not hacked lol. As a family we have accomplished good things to start off this year, paid cash for Justins car, got out of debt, invested our money, making better choices financially, spiritually and physically. 2014 has started s off strong and is a new chapter to add to our life. We have made important decisions to better Callies health, they was hard to make at first, but the power of prayer let us have peace with it. So blessed with Callie, she has overcome so much in her four years, things may be added with her health that we may never understand but through it all God has a plan, and His plan is greater than any man could ever have. Savannah I am so blessed that the only time she ever sees a doctor is for her yearly check ups, I am so thankful that she is healthy. With God all things are possible and no matter what God will never fail us. I want to also say how thankful I am to have wonderful parents who stand behind everything I do, and always are there to give me words of wisdom to guide me in the right path, and are there for me when I need a little help with the girls when I have to take Callie to the doctor, God has blessed me with amazing parents who brought me up in church, and taught me right from wrong, Thank you Mom and Dad for being a inspiration for me in my life and just being there when I need someone to talk to. I now want to tell you all how blessed I am to have Blaine Bowman, Tiffany Bowman Forte, and Luke Bowman, Manda Jacob, for leaving imprints on my heart, and showing me the right path to take when I was a teenager, you guys are so awesome and when I was at my lowest you all was there and always knew how to put a smile on my face, because of you guys I still follow Christ and your love and passion toward each other as a family showed me how to be when I married, I have a strong healthy marriage and children, because the love you guys showed me, I show my family even more thank you and love you guys. I could just go on and on and I think I will. Jordan King I want to tell you how blessed I am to call you my best friend, because we have been through it all, I wouldnt change any of it, we may not get to hang out often but we always pick up where we left off and that my friend is true friendship, thanks for always being there. I want to say how blessed I am to have my brother and his family and my sister and her family, you guys have inspired me and always gave me good advice growing up and have always been there when I needed you to talk to. I am so thankful that you guys are my siblings and that I am a Aunt to your children, the greatest blessing of all. Last but not least I want to thank Justins parents I love my in-laws we may have are differences on things but you guys have blessed us more than you will ever know, you have been there through thick and thin, and held me when I cried and even cried with me, I am so thankful to have in-laws that I am close to and I am glad that I can be a blessing by being the mother of your Grandbabies. I needed to get all that out there.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 02:53:02 +0000

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