I just wanted to let everyone know that I will no longer a part of - TopicsExpress


I just wanted to let everyone know that I will no longer a part of Silent Horror. I apologize to everyone who supported me in this band. Im sorry if I let you down. I tried, if not for your sakes alone, to reconcile a way to remain in the band, but unfortunately reached an impasse with the other members. I wont go into much great detail, but will offer those who have supported me at least a fraction of the lengthy explanation I owe them. I was asked by Silent Horror on at least two prior occasions to join their band as their singer. After getting a promised commitment from them Upon their last request, I joined. We were originally going to be a project that only released CDs and play very few shows. It was agreed that we would go into the studio and I would re record vocals for an album that they wrote with their old singer who quit years prior. Half of the material of the CD I appear on was material that had already been released in the form of an ep. The other half, the majority of the album was material that was never actually released. We would do this album first, and in th meantime continue to work on new songs for a new album together. Somewhere along the way, things just shifted on their own into us becoming an actual functioning band and we all went with it. That means, I went ahead and made us a facebook page, set us up a store, linked it to a website domain that I purchased for the band. The whole nine. Not long after the album release we got an offer to do a tour of Europe this upcoming May. After weeks of consideration the band agreed to do it. The tour began being booked soon after that. Recently, amidst discussions around other disagreements the subject of enEuropean tour came up. I was told by the other members of the band that they do not want to do the tour and they did not to begin with. Since it was already being booked and nothing to this effect had been brought up sooner we got into an argument. Later I was contacted by the band and told that this band had never intended to play shows and This was established in the beginning so that was enough reason to cancel it. I was told that the only way the band would continue on Was as a band that plays only a select few shows a year, and releases only music and merchandise online. My terms were that I would agree to this only if we had the option to tour Europe at least 6 weeks out of the year. A week went by with no communication until I was called by the band telling me they had decided to get a different singer and go on without me. In an effort to be professional I did not argue but tried to be as civil as possible. The conversation ended with me thinking that had been achieved. We had agreed that they would take the trip out to my place to pick up their gear next week and at that point we would start shutting down all of our networks, (facebook, Instagram, our online music distribution site, and website) together. There were certain things in light of being essentially ejected from the band that I felt I was owed. Nothing crazy or outlandish. Just plain and simple ethics. In conversation these things were even agreed upon as basic and doable. I woke up this morning to find out that I have been deleted off of the facebook page I created and made the other members admins of. I have been locked out of our digital album sale site with no way of knowing what sales are coming in. I was locked out of PayPal so I couldnt get the 33% of the owed money leftover after taking my startup costs back earlier last week. ive been locked out of our Instagram, Twitter, the store I created has been deleted. Everything gone. I emailed the band asking what was going on and later this evening I got a phone call from the band telling me its their band, those are their things, and I have no claim to any of it. All of the things we agreed to do collectively in an effort I thought to move on amicably was revealed to be a total farce. All last week I had access like they did to all of the above mentioned accounts I did not tell them I would work with them professionally as possible for the fans sakes on this matter, turn around and sneak into all of those accounts and do what was done to me while I was asleep in bed last night. Basically Ive been told that if I want to do anything about it Im free to consult a lawyer. Im speechless guys. Many of you know me very well. A lot of you reading this might not like me, but one thing you cannot say about me is I am not professional. I Show everyone that shows me Respect and dignity the same in return. I learned a lesson today about how hurtful and dishonest people who claim to be your friends can be. I have given 17 years of my life to this thing. This thing we call Horrorpunk I call my life. I feel completely used and discarded. I came in, worked my ass off, did everything I could to help this band succeed by giving it my contacts, my networks, my love and my endorsement. Now that these are all in place there seems to be no more need for me in Silent Horror. I Really do apologize for having to go so far as to do this and make this post. It goes against everything I stand for. Im the type of person to just face adversity, accept problems and focus on my own work and moving forward. Though I am still of that mindset I feel completely and utterly betrayed. This isnt a way for me to put people on sides. Its just the honest and simple truth and unfortunately its dirty. I have never once in my life posted anything negative about anything, much less anyone ever on facebook. Ever. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. The fact that I am now is something I want to serve as a testament to not only how much I love this genre, but also each and every one of you who support me as an artist. I promise you guys, I will move on and be bringing you new music soon. just please be aware of the many dishonesties you may support unawares in your life. Thank you.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 01:39:01 +0000

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