I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all your prayers - TopicsExpress


I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for all your prayers for George... My wonderful husband my best friend... He is doing great after his surgery yesterday @ Hines hospital... George had 3 blockages to his heart he had not been feeling well for the past 6 months and he has been in and out of the hospital so much, who would have thought this would happen... But it did and he has been so blessed by all the prayers... The doctors were able to clear the blockages with balloons and he did not need stints thank god... But they got him all cleaned out like a plumber cleans your pipes out... the blockages were so bad that he was looking a gray blue color and was short of breath all the time and had been having a lot of chest pains and sweating even when he was sleeping, he could barely climb up and down the stairs to our basement and this was really getting worse for him... He went in to the ER on 9-3-13 with a bad infection he got from me being sick.. and the cardiac doc caught this and did a bunch of test and found that he thought were some small blockages and then they set him up to have surgery on 9-23-13... the reason we had to wait was to get George down off the blood thinners from his blood clots, and when the docs got in there it was worse than what they had thought... But they were able to clear them all 3 blockages gone.... He was in there for about 3 hours I was getting worried, but then the doctor came out and told me everything and I was shocked that he said to me that if George did not get this done he would have had a stroke or heart attack that would have killed him most likely with in the next 4 to 6 months... Now I do not feel so bad about getting him sick.. Just last year they were going to put a pace maker in but could not because of the blood clots in his leg and lung, so the held back and then this happened to him.. George has been through a lot with his health... But this was really bad and he knew it too. Thank god they did find them and did the surgery and now he is doing good wore out and needs to rest, but his skin color started to changed back to pink on the way back up and when they got him to where I was and I saw him he was pink he had pink color in his cheeks and his lips did not look that blue color and today he looks really good very sore and tired and needs lots of rest and he is home with me, thank the dear lord and the power of prayer and a great team of doctors at HINES Hospital.... He is eating and laughing and he tells I feel like I can breathe again and the pain in his chest is gone, he is still looking at getting the pace maker but they cannot do that with the blood clots and this is 3rd time with clots so he will be on blood thinners now for the rest of his life... and about 18 other meds but he is doing good... I am so thankful for all the prayers from friends and my family and from the people at our church and Pastor Kevin... AMEN... The power of prayer....I believe it that if you can pray and have other pray with you that wonderful things can happen and they did on a cold Monday morning when I was thinking they may have to crack his chest open they did it all threw the vein in his right leg... the docs and nurses were great and now I have my guy back and feeling better...So I wanted you all to no how he is doing.. He is doing really good, and again thank you for all your prayers...I cannot say thank you enough.. and thank you to our good friend Dom without his help I dont no what I would have done... he drove us everywhere and he loaned me his car to use to get George back and forth from the hospital in case he was working and could not get to us quick enough he said hey take my car and use it, what a wonderful and dear friend he is to us... So wanted everyone to no and to say thank you so much and god bless you too, and you and yours are always in our prayers today and everyday.. THANK YOU....AMEN
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 04:51:21 +0000

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