I just wanted to share these pictures of when I was suffering from - TopicsExpress


I just wanted to share these pictures of when I was suffering from Anorexia/Bullimia. It is a very cruel and unforgiving mental health disorder that destroys so many people. Myself, thankfully, have managed to climb a mountain and get myself better and I am now living my life to the full. Unfortunately this kind of mental heath disorder is hard to understand if you have not suffered/are a sufferer. I can completely understand that starving yourself or making yourself ill does seem really god damn stupid to people, however to the sufferer it is just a way of life. They see fat in the mirror when there isnt and loathe their body and their mind. They know what they are doing is wrong, however its incredibly hard to stop. It becomes an obsession, seeing stones fall off the scales and counting calories. Feeling your body for fat and obsessing over imperfections. Truthfully, no one can really help someone with the disorder. The sufferer themselves has to realise what they are doing to their body is wrong and that they are, infact, no longer that attractive. Once that clicks in their minds, the long and slow progression begins of getting better. People can provide advice all they like to a sufferer, but they already know it all. It has to be their choice to start to get better and the people around need to be their for support. I would just like to raise awareness to this truly awful illness. That person who has suddenly became obsessed with what they eat? Think there fat? Are unhappy? Yeah, thats all starting signs of anorexia. Thats when you, as a friend, as a parent, need to step in. Anorexia always has a trigger and you need to find that route cause to begin again and start over. If anyone of my facebook thinks any of the thought above, or are indeed suffering, please please dont be scared or ashamed. There is help. And I am one person who will stay up all night if I need to to help you. Please remember you are never alone. We can fight together, and I will fight for you. #edrecovery #anorexiawho?
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:58:00 +0000

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