I just wanted to share with you the smallest amount of kindness - TopicsExpress


I just wanted to share with you the smallest amount of kindness can make such a big difference. Last night my husband and I and my two girls were heading up to grab dinner for fathers day. My two girls were happily skipping and laughing and we were all having a lovely time, sitting in the cold alley on a concrete floor staring at the ground was a homeless guy, my heart sank and I looked at my girls and our little family and instantly felt a huge sense of how lucky we are. We popped into the supermarket we grabbed a hot chicken and handed it to the guy , he looked up at us and said a heart felt “thankyou, god bless, and this is the warmest thing I will have all night” , a huge lump formed in my throat and I mumbled a good bye and walked away. My little girl who was holding my hand at the time said, “mummy why did we give him a chicken and I said because he is hungry and didn’t have anything to eat, her response was oh that’s berry sad”. All that night I couldn’t get that guys face out of gratitude out of my head and I spent the whole night being so appreciative that we had our health, our happy little family and a warm bed to go home to. I did not do much for this guy and in hind sight I should have given him a bottle of water and some bread as well, and in an ideal world offered him a warm bed to rest his head, and I am not sharing this to get any form of recognition or pats on the back. I have done in the past many, many other small acts of kindness and I have never told a soul, but on my run this morning I thought how can I inspire others to do something, even something small for others to make this world a slightly better place, and i realised if I don’t share this very small act how can inspire anyone at all. So please I ask if you read this, to take a moment to think of others less fortunate than you, and if you are given a chance find it in your heart to do something small for another. And if you want to comment at all just a comment to let me & others know that you too will do something even something small for another, the word “inspire” would be lovely xxxI just wanted to share with you the smallest amount of kindness can make such a big difference. Last night my husband and I and my two girls were heading up to grab dinner for fathers day. My two girls were happily skipping and laughing and we were all having a lovely time, sitting in the cold alley on a concrete floor staring at the ground was a homeless guy, my heart sank and I looked at my girls and our little family and instantly felt a huge sense of how lucky we are. We popped into the supermarket we grabbed a hot chicken and handed it to the guy , he looked up at us and said a heart felt “thankyou, god bless, and this is the warmest thing I will have all night” , a huge lump formed in my throat and I mumbled a good bye and walked away. My little girl who was holding my hand at the time said, “mummy why did we give him a chicken and I said because he is hungry and didn’t have anything to eat, her response was oh that’s berry sad”. All that night I couldn’t get that guys face out of gratitude out of my head and I spent the whole night being so appreciative that we had our health, our happy little family and a warm bed to go home to. I did not do much for this guy and in hind sight I should have given him a bottle of water and some bread as well, and in an ideal world offered him a warm bed to rest his head, and I am not sharing this to get any form of recognition or pats on the back. I have done in the past many, many other small acts of kindness and I have never told a soul, but on my run this morning I thought how can I inspire others to do something, even something small for others to make this world a slightly better place, and i realised if I don’t share this very small act how can inspire anyone at all. So please I ask if you read this, to take a moment to think of others less fortunate than you, and if you are given a chance find it in your heart to do something small for another. And if you want to comment at all just a comment to let me & others know that you too will do something small for another, the word “inspire” would be lovely xxx
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 00:23:26 +0000

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