I just wanted to take the time to say a little something... Well, - TopicsExpress


I just wanted to take the time to say a little something... Well, it may be a lot of something to most of you, and I apologize for that. We are at the dawn of short attention spans, and I understand it, because I have a tendency to be the same way. A lot of us, have been friends on this social platform for many years. Some of you, beyond that time. I have watched your marriages, your relationships, your break ups, your divorces, your pregnancies, the growth of your children, your new friendships, your happiest moments, & your saddest ordeals. There are times where I wonder, Wow! Where has the time gone? Has little so & so grown so much already? As much as I state how I hate Facebook, I will say, it has been pretty cool. It allowed me to enter your life and spirit, and live it with you. Ive cried for you, Ive laughed for you, youve made me smile, youve made me angry, you brought me into you. I guess I got caught up in hating it so much because it became the cool thing to do. But really, I thank you. I figured, Id say something to acknowledge your presence, because it does matter to me. Every single one of you, matter to me. Even the ones Ive rid of my profile, matter to me. I will no longer pretend, the things you think or say doesnt affect my life, because, they truly do. It may not affect my conscious thinking, but it does affect me in some way or form. I am thinking, if I finally accept that, and acknowledge that, then perhaps the universe will be kinder to me in return. Maybe, I havent been the greatest person lately, or a nice friend, or whatever. In conclusion, if my last words were ever to be read, I would want them to be the truest things Id ever thought. Dont forget how important you are.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 06:39:09 +0000

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