I just wanted to update everyone on Adlers progress. We had the - TopicsExpress


I just wanted to update everyone on Adlers progress. We had the summer off with no school, speech or occupational therapy. I do work with him unintentionally a lot, so I feel he wasnt going to relapse. Towards the middle to the end of summer his speech began to include sentences and more language. With that also came an aggressive side to him. He would hit his brother out of anger and also the rest of us. He would also need to control every door he went through. We would need to wait at every automatic door entering a store and wait for them to close so he could jump and cause them to open. With summer being busy, this could be a 5 minute process. We worked through it with a lot of patience. I didnt want him to start 4-K and hit other children, so I talked with his holistic Dr. and she suggested he take some drops to do a liver detox. I started this about 4 weeks ago. We have had a few hitting episodes, but now they are 1-2 a week instead of 10-20 a day. We attended open house at his school about 2 weeks ago. There were so many children and parents. He did alright, but ended up with a meltdown. I think it was too much stimulation for him. I was really anxious at how this school year would begin for him. Last week Tuesday we started school in the afternoon program at Mount Olive. He was very happy and followed directions with ease. When I came to pick him up I was relieved to hear that he had a great day. No extra care or help needed with anything. He appeared normal like all the other kids. What a blessing! On day two I picked him up and asked him what he did at school. I have always done this for 3 years even though he usually just smiled or would repeat things I would suggest he did. On this day he responded, I went on a new playground. I couldnt believe it. He spoke to me in a conversation. He understood me and knew how to appropriately answer. You have no idea what this means to me. My son is finding a way to opening talk and express himself. The rest of the week and weekend have continued in a similar way. Today he buckled his own seat belt 2 times. Im amazed at how far hes come since he was first diagnosed 2 years ago. I can only hope this continues more and more. Thanks for being a supportive audience!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 15:15:40 +0000

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