I just wanted to write a few things. Here is how I feel and not - TopicsExpress


I just wanted to write a few things. Here is how I feel and not sure you guys want this in its own post or not so feel free to move it , delete it or whatever but Id rather it stay. I am happy there is a group like this but a couple things stood out to me yesterday, one is the fact I am not sure what the goat business has anything to do with the AHA business (someone was posting goat business dealings and I honestly just dont care what they do with goats) and the second is Mary Campbell. My maiden name is Campbell so of course I noticed her posts. I dont think she was being mean she was just saying her side and not to put her in the category with the people who are upset at AHA. I think to be taken seriously a group has to be kind and compassionate and mature and not when people pop in to digress to get on them for it. Just explain the sides and be impartial without any emotions or else this group might deteriorate. I dont even know Mary though just to be clear we are not friends on FB or anything I just felt it was a little much plus the goat postings....I guess I was confused why they had anything to do with QH being reg. as Arabs . Now to how I feel personally. Whoever registered the QH as an arab is indeed guilty and honestly I feel they should lose privileges for a few years if not a longer period of time, MORE than a slap on the hands for sure , and they actually deserve people being angry at them and even talking about them on social media as they were deceptive and are hurting the breed in doing this. However the person who bought the horse later really had no clue and should not be picked on as they (whoever they are I have not even looked it up) were probably as much of a victim as the breed itself.....AHA rules allowed this to happen and so people like Karlan and a lot of you are now trying to change those rules and that is the first step . I wanted to be a part of a discussion about that for sure. I just think that the original people that registered dishonestly are the BIG culprits and then AHA rules are lax and need work. And I think AHA rules on registering need a LOT of work in other areas too like rescues and whatnot but you have to start with making sure the integrity of the breeds blood is in tact , after all that is the thing, we are supposed to be a PURE blooded breed and it is a big responsibility to be the guardians of that blood. At least they were HA but still, its bad! I hope that changes can be made but to do so you have to be able to hear the other sides and also if people are on the fence or just dont agree.....not be so annoyed at them....after all everyone does have their right to feel how they feel. Again, I dont know anyone involved and I just think the ORIGINAL breeders/registrars are the guilty parties and are also the crux of this whole problem and should be punished for sure. I dont think ANY national titles should be kept and I think the new owners should have to seek legal remedy against whoever it was that bred the horses and sold them as HA when they are QH.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 16:18:05 +0000

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