I just watched a video of a black man being handcuffed in his - TopicsExpress


I just watched a video of a black man being handcuffed in his sisters yard, of his sisters house. The cops didnt seem to have a concrete explanation for doing so. (I said seem only because I dont know the protocol in such situations.) I would like for anyone who would posts such a video to research the S.O.P. in such cases and inform us. We could challenge based on how it SHOULD have been implemented. Its not just about what we dont have say or do; its also about the protocol they follow. HOWEVER, if for every incident of racial profiling, police brutality, or even harassment posted, there is a video such as this, then we are in what I call a racial stalemate. (Another video was posted of six black youths attacking, punching and kicking a white couple. This justice we seek is a two-way street. Now, we can play this Tag team -- bad white cops harassing or brutalizing black teens versus bad violent black teens harassing or brutalizing whites (or each other) videos--back and forth. But NOBODY wins! NO black person likes racist, rogue, white cops. But those blacks who were raised the right way, dont condone the rogue, random acts of violence by out-of-control black teens, either. Those of my black sisters and brothers on Facebook (and beyond) who dismiss this plea of mine as blaming ourselves when its the racist white Amerikkka, I venture YOU have not lost YOUR son or daughter, or neice or nephew at the hands of black-on-blackcrime. Pied Piper black scholars would tell us not to blame ourselves, you know, the ones who dont raise THEIR kids anywhere near the violent blacks who will shoot ANYONE who gets in their way. I respect your right to do so; however, stay on your knees and PRAY that your loved one is never a victim of a black bullet--intentional or stray. I agree, WE, as blacks can use these videos to reveal the racist acts of those (not all) rogue, white hatemongers, but who do WE as black people, turn to, when WE are the VICTIMS of our OWN people? There is no black person who calls himself or herself, a leader who should not just as strongly address this, as one of OUR problems as well. I see these clips of Malcolm on Facebook. Malcolm was NEVER violent (despite his famed by any means necessary credo). Minister Farrakhan was NEVER violent. Of course, King was NEVER violent, even though he faced violence. (You actually think YOU are going through more than what THEY went through? Police brutality, harassment, and police dogs STARTED in my generation (and theirs). As a black man, in a race war (we thought would be one back in seventies. As Minister Farrakhan said of back then, we knew who the enemy was. I say, today, we have to stop BEING what we are fighting against--and making excuses for it! ~gbj
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 07:50:29 +0000

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