I just watched the debate between Kay Hagen and Thom Tillis. You - TopicsExpress


I just watched the debate between Kay Hagen and Thom Tillis. You watch it yourself NCers and get smart on NC topics. Kay Hagen wants the federal government to solve NC issues. Kay Hagen wants to raise taxes. She wants to dictate how NC businesses do their business. She wants to regulate out the wazoo. She has known for years that the veterans were not treated well. She did nothing till it became national news. Over 400,000+ notices went out cancelling NC health care for that persons preferred physician...even though she said numerous times you can keep your dr if you like him. Kay Hagen is against over the counter birth control options and less expensive ones. She is lobbied by pharmacies to make the business pay. Workplace birth control is already offered but not the kind Kay Hagen likes. Thom Tillis wants to help the minimum wage worker move to a higher paying job. He wants to give them incentives to move up. Kay Hagen wants to keep you working at minimum wage by making the business pay you more. Once again she wants the federal government to run your NC business. Thom Tillis is helping to balance the NC budget while Kay Hagen wants to grow our deficit. If she was so concerned about minimum wage then why has she waited so long to do something about it. Kay Hagen wants to give more weeks of unemployment but that is not what the unemployed want. They want her to stop strangling NC with over regulating and mandating what a business has to offer for healthcare. The NC people know that businesses are not hiring or expanding because of the insecurity over Obamacare and being regulated to death. Shes killing any hopes of future employment by scaring the very people who provide jobs. Because of the decisions made by Thom Tillis and our Governor with a Republican congress, NC went from a 10.7 billion dollar debt to being debt free this year. Kay Hagen wants to extend unemployment and give teacher further raises when NC doesnt have it to give unless we tax ourselves to death. Thom Tillis passed a 7% increase for teachers which is one of the largest ever. It was within a reasonable budget. Kay says teachers are leaving in droves due to low salaries... but it is wondered if that isnt because teachers have to put up with so many issues in the classroom due to federal mandates. Did those teachers who left go on to get another teaching job? or were they upset with teaching altogether? Kay Hagen claims we have an uneducated work force but she fails to mention that Republicans want to help you go back to school in our excellent community school programs. Those programs are in place but she will not help the unemployed reach higher goals. She wants to keep you dependent on the federal government. Kay Hagen continually rags on Republican tax cuts for the wealthy. We are so sick of hearing that. NCers are farmers, dr.s, teachers, manufacturers, bio and medical researchers and we dont give a crap who gets rich but we do want to work and if youll get the federal government out of our way....we will make everyone profitable. Im tired of her talk talk talk....so you watch for yourself and do your homework...then decide. https://youtube/watch?v=Yl9sB2vh6KU
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 05:52:24 +0000

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