I just witnessed a spoiled teenager treat a waiter as if he - TopicsExpress


I just witnessed a spoiled teenager treat a waiter as if he was less than her, and overheard such a bunch of idiotic remarks about the position and status of her family while her dad and mom sat there without saying anything, even more agreeing with her rampage . I am livid! As some of you know , and close to me enough as you are will agree- that Im not easily impressed with wealth, position : economic, social or political, brands , luxuries, or display of material grandeur. They are simply not something I care for, never idd, never will, they are there but that is it~! Do I enjoy them ? Absolutely YES! Do I acquire them? For the right price at the right moment, YES! Do I feel the need to boast and rub it around as if it is a medal of honor or something that validates me as a human being ? Absolutely NO! Blessings galore have allowed my family and I, particularly my children to experience a truly privileged life in every sense, that blessing is not accidental and it is the result of tremendous work, effort, and integrity from those who came before us so when I see the pathetic claims of youngsters babbling over their worldly possessions and experiences, shoving their luxury brand clothing and flamboyantly displaying self entitlement, as I just did , I cant help but to thank God profusely for giving me the most wonderful kids in the world. My children - all of them- have tremendous privileged experiences but their trips in private jets, their regular contact with nobility and notables , their spoiling gourmet daily routine, and their education non plus ultra received all around the world , have not made them empty soul vessels of superficiality . Instead it made them to care so much more for those who have less. I pray that they stay that way. After all Im a firm believer that the people who has such a deep knowledge of the price of things is the same people who knows the value of nothing. That is the reason why they do not appreciate humanity and lack class and compassion! Still livid!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 16:32:26 +0000

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